50 Celebrities And Famous People With INTJ Personality Type 

The Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging (INTJ) personality is considered to be the rarest of all personality types in the world.  

Their vision about how to best solve a problem saves them the hassle of spending hours on end confused about how to succeed in their goals. Here are they:

He is a world-renowned NFL head coach and is one of the greatest coaches of all time.  

1. Bill Belichick 

His exceptional intellect made him one of the most influential figures in Ancient Greece.  

2. Plato 

Buffet made headlines, having amassed a personal fortune of more than 100 billion dollars despite popular investment trends.  

3. Warren Buffet 

Obama is known for his plain, sincere, and charismatic way of speaking and always exhibits a controlled personality.  

4. Barack Obama


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