INTJ Death Stare: The True Meaning Behind The Look 

Is there something different in the way a person is staring at you?  It may have something to do with the fact that this person has an INTJ personality.  

What makes INTJ stare so intimidating?

INTJ individuals can be intimidating, and this is because they do not communicate themselves openly as other personalities do.

Depending on the situation, an INTJ stare can mean differently. Here are some ideas about what it could mean. 

Because of their introvert nature, INTJ individuals are not so keen on socializing with others, so expect the worst if they are not in the mood to talk.

Get away from me / do not disturb me

When they are bored, they can also give off a blank stare, and depending on their mood, a blank stare can immediatley turn into a death stare.  

I am so not in the mood for anything

Sometimes it indicates that someone or something has captured their interest and that you have that person's full attention.

Go ahead. I am all ears

for more meanings behind INTJ death stare