Have you ever been on the receiving end of an INTJ stare, and you have no clue why they just stared at you like that?
People stare for numerous reasons and depending on the situation, being stared at can either be a good thing or a bad thing.
Someone had already stared at you before; it can be understandable, while some may be just downright weird and out of the blue.
But there is something different in the way this person is staring at you right now, and it may have something to do with the fact that this person has an INTJ personality.
INTJs have an intimidating personality because they prefer not to socialize with others. The INTJ death stare can be unnerving and make you think that an INTJ person holds a grudge against you. While this can be possible, this is not always the case.
What makes INTJ stare so intimidating?
No matter what they may be doing, INTJ individuals can be intimidating, and this is because they do not communicate themselves openly as other personalities do. When they try to express themselves, they talk straight to the point and without nonsense.
In addition, INTJ individuals spend a lot of time in contemplation, so every word is thoroughly thought of, and they always speak with a purpose.
Most people who get stared at by an INTJ personality feel so uncomfortable. INTJ individuals take their staring game seriously, especially when they feel annoyed or disappointed at someone.
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Meanings behind INTJ Death Stare
Before finding out why an INTJ individual may be staring at you, one significant aspect to consider is the context of the situation.
Have you done or said something that may have provoked that person to stare at you like that? Or are you clueless about why that person stared at you in the first place?
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Depending on the situation, an INTJ stare can mean differently. Here are some ideas about what it could mean.
1. Get away from me / Do not disturb me
Because of their introvert nature, INTJ individuals are not so keen on socializing with others, so expect the worst if they are not in the mood to engage in any conversation.
If you find yourself being stared at by someone with this personality, then it may mean that that person do not want to be disturbed, whether they seem to be doing something or not.
Avoid cutting them off their train of thought, especially if it is over something that is not a matter of life and death. It is a general and unspoken rule refrain from interrupting anyone regardless of personality type, especially if they are in the middle of doing something.
2. I am so not in the mood for anything
There are several ways to tell when someone is bored, but for INTJ individuals, directly staring at someone or something is their way of showing their boredom.
When INTJ individuals are bored, they can also give off a blank stare, and depending on their mood, a blank stare can immediatley turn into a death stare.
It mostly happens in situations where INTJ individuals would rather stay at home and be in their own company than waste their energy on small talks and chit-chats.
INTJ individuals would give off this kind of stare to avoid being dragged into a conversation unless someone or something sparks their interest.
3. Go ahead. I am all ears
Sometimes, an INTJ stare can indicate that someone or something has captured their interest and that you have that person's full attention, so take it as a compliment if ever you received this kind of stare.
It can be easy to identify if INTJ individuals are listening intently or not based on their eye contact.
Instances like this rarely happen because it can be challenging to keep an INTJ interested, mainly because they are not the most socializing personality and dislike wasting their time on unworthwhile activities.
INTJ individuals have a curious personality, and if someone or something intrigues them, they give off an intense stare to show their interest in the conversation or situation.
4. Please stop talking. I am thinking about something
People usually give off a blank stare whenever they are thinking about something at the moment, and INTJ individuals are guilty of this most of the time because they get lost in their own thoughts a lot.
Blankly staring into nothing may be something that individuals with this personality usually do because they enjoy the process of thinking about something.
Often lost in their thought, you may find an INTJ individual staring at you at first glance, but you would soon realize that that person is not directly looking at you.
5. No, I’m not taking any sides
For instances where an INTJ individual needs to decide or take a side, that person may use the death stare to tell that he is not choosing any sides. Their blank stare indicates their neutrality in a specific situation.
As much as possible, they do not want to be involved in any argument because they may think they don't grasp the entirety of the story to take any side, or believe the issue is not worth getting involved in.
INTJ individuals prefer deciding if they are confident that they know all of the facts. If they feel like they are treading on unfamiliar ground, they will choose to abstain from giving any opinion on the matter.
6. I am pissed/ I am in disbelief
If you managed to piss off an INTJ person, then chances are you will get a glimpse of their classic death glare look that would make you wish the ground would swallow you whole than last another second in an INTJ’s presence.
One of the INTJ stares you may want to look out for is their literal death glare. If you managed to piss an INTJ, they would not try to hide their disbelief and annoyance– they will make sure you see it in their face.
In other instances, while they may be mad at you, they would refrain from making eye contact with you and glare at a nearby object. But you know that they hate you just the same.
7. I expected more from you
Just as how INTJ individuals can stare at you in awe, they can also stare at you in disappointment. It is especially the case for situations where that INTJ individual has expected more from you.
Staring at you can be an INTJ's way of telling you that you have disappointed that person– and sometimes, the death glare is worse than being verbally informed that that person expected more from you.
When an INTJ is disappointed with you, you have disappointed that person big time, and whether this may be unintentional or not, the best course of action is to genuinely tell them you are sorry and that you will try to make it up to them.
8. I’m scrutinizing you
One thing about INTJ individuals is that they prefer communicating their thoughts through their eyes. If they stare at you intensely with a tinge of disgust or scrutiny, then that is a no-brainer. That person may be judging you for something you just said or done.
It may be the case if you accidentally did or said something that they find inexcusable, and they are directly staring at you to let you know that behvavior or attitude is intolerable.
However, there is no need to fret because this does not mean they will hate you for eternity. It just means that you managed to piss off an INTJ big time, and while that statement may not be that comforting, remember that INTJ individuals are logical, and some of them are capable of finding reason despite present grudges.
9. You are making me curious
INTJ individuals can be too intrigued by a person or an object that they forget they are staring at them.
Being on the receiving end of this stare can be uncomfortable, but this kind of stare only means that they find you fascinating and want to know more about you.
If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing to do is to ride along with it, or if you feel like it is really bothersome, you can directly tell them that they are staring at you and it makes you uncomfortable.
Some INTJ individuals can give off a death stare without realizing it in the first place. Nevertheless, it can be disturbing when someone stares at you, let alone someone with an INTJ personality.
Being stared at by an INTJ individual can make you feel like your whole personality is getting analyzed. INTJ individuals have an infamous stare that can instantly bother anyone, even if they are staring on purpose or not.
If you find someone staring at you for no reason, you can choose to let it be, or you can try to approach and ask why that person is staring at you.
Meanwhile, if you’ve done or said something that may have triggered the stare, especially if it's from an INTJ individual, it's best to weigh the situation before taking the next step.
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