A woman has vented her frustrations regarding her husband's weight gain on the r/Marriage subreddit – and people are not happy about it.
Her Husband Used To Be Fit & Healthy When They Married 7 Years Ago
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The woman starts her post off by explaining that she married her husband 7 years ago, and one of the reasons she fell in love with him was because he claimed to be into healthy eating and fitness “like she was”.
Husband Started Picking Up Weight
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However, over the years, she explained that her husband started picking up weight and now he currently sits at 230lbs(104 kg) whereas she has stayed the same weight.
He Is No Longer Interested in Being Healthy
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She stated that he no longer seems to enjoy hiking with her or buying healthy foods.
She Felt Embarrassed To Be Seen With Her Husband
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She went even further by claiming that they went to a waterpark not too long ago and she admits that she felt “embarrassed” to be seen standing next to him.
"Everyone has preferences right?"
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“I feel like people are going to judge me for having this opinion but everyone has preferences right?” she argued in her post, “He says he likes thinner women with long hair. Always mentions he wouldn’t want me to cut my hair short.”[sic]
She Decided To Bring His Weight Gain To His Attention
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The OP explains that two years ago, she brings this to her husband’s attention. She pointed out to him that he has gained weight and that the two of them should go back to mindful eating.
Her Husband Did Not Make Any Effort Even After the Confrontation and Continued With His Unhealthy Habits
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At the time, he agreed, but she noticed that he made no effort to change, stating that he would rather “play on his phone” and “binge eat potato chips”. She continues that his habits have caused him to develop high blood pressure and snoring at night, which apparently keeps her up at night.
He Would Rather Eat a Cheeseburger than Workout
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One morning, she asked him if he was going to work out and he straight up told her “no”, to which she replied, “I thought you were into fitness?”
“And he said “I am into fitting this cheeseburger into my mouth.””
She Then Stated That One Of His Family Members Is Severely Obese
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She further details her concerns by mentioning that her husband’s grandfather is severely obese, and his grandma has to serve him food as he is unable to move properly on his own.
Worried About Their Children
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She wrote in the post that she does not want their future to turn out this way. She adds that they have children which makes all of this even more tough.
"Lying to Impress"
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“Why do people get into marriages by lying to impress and then dropping it all.”
Many Redditors Called Her Out On Loving Her Husband For Shallow Reasons
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While the OP thought she would get people’s sympathy, many Redditors were upset with her apparent shallowness.
"He Might Be Overly Stressed"
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“When men complain that women gain weight on this sub they get (rightfully) blasted. When women complain about the same thing they get support and are told the man needs to fix something. It's completely ridiculous. You both have kids, he might be overly stressed, and he doesn't have the time to put his energy toward working out. I strongly doubt he faked liking those things just to get married to you,” one wrote.
"Downright Disturbing"
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However, one Redditor responded to the comment, saying, “Nobody is on her side. The water park comment is downright disturbing.”
One Commenter Suggests Professional Help
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Another Redditor added, “Or maybe he wasn't lying to impress you, and actually did care about his health and appearance but now, something has changed. Nobody can say for certain what the change is, that's something he's going to have to work through himself. Maybe with a therapist even. My guess would be it's depression and some other general unhappiness going on.”
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Source: Reddit
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