A recent theory proposed by a woman has gone viral online, as it suggests that the changing attitudes towards household work and career pursuits among women have caused problems in modern relationships.
Choosing career
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With more women opting for the latter, their male partners, who grew up with mothers that did both, struggle to understand why the same can't be done today.
Lost generation
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A woman's viral TikTok video introduces the "lost generation" theory, which entails that the mothers of millennials and Gen Zers, belong to a “lost generation of feminism,” and the millennials and Gen Zers are “lost generations of romance.”
The norm
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She explains that our mothers grew up in a generation where it was completely normal for women to have a full career, yet they were still expected to conform to traditional gender roles at home.
The mindset
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This mindset, enforced by men, required women to take care of the home and children in addition to their careers. She adds that this generation was influenced by the "have it all" mentality of the 90s and early 2000s movies.
Do it all
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According to the theory, our mothers became the lost generation of feminism by striving to prove their worth in male-dominated environments, taking on the bulk of household chores and childcare, and receiving less pay for their efforts.
They were forced to "do it all" and they became the lost generation of feminism as a result.
The change
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However, this does not continue, as the current generation learned from their experience and rejected the notion that women should be expected to work and care for the home at the same time.
Women of this generation recognized that equality meant an equal share of responsibilities, and they refused to settle for anything less
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As she points out, many men were raised with the idea that women can and should do it all. They grew up thinking that it was normal for women to work and take care of the home, without realizing the sacrifices their mothers had to make in order to do both.
Not so self-sufficient men
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As a result, men of the current generation never learned how to be self-sufficient or how to contribute equally to household responsibilities. They may even feel entitled to a partner who will take care of everything, just like their mothers did.
Happier on our own
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One result of these gender dynamics is that many millennial and Gen Z women are less interested in dating, given that they have more options and independence than ever before, and they refuse to settle for someone who isn't willing to contribute equally to a partnership.
“We are happier on our own, we’re happier with our girlfriends, we’re happier to have peace to be in a relationship that isn’t going to be equal.”
Not blaming the mothers
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To prevent any misunderstanding, the OP emphasized that her video wasn’t meant to blame mothers, acknowledging that they had paved the way for their daughters to become strong and independent.
“It isn’t their fault if their sons can’t catch a vibe,” she added.
The video's message resonated with many viewers who shared their own views on the topic
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“As a Gen X woman I support you,” one commented.
“My mom has a masters degree, makes more than my dad, and yet does 90% of the house work and chores,” a second shared.
A fair share
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“Watching my mom do everything made me not want to,” a third wrote.
“It's really not that hard for them to do their fair share,” a fourth suggested, “They often just don't want to.”
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Source: TikTok
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