Many signs can tell whether you are in a healthy relationship or not. Here are eight of them to answer this important question. If you agree with most of these eight things, you are most likely in a healthy relationship. If you disagree or say no, check and see why that characteristic is important to a relationship and try to determine why you disagree with it.
You Can Name Your Partner's Best Friend And Name A Positive Trait About That Person
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We don’t have to love our partner's best friend, but we should know that their best friend is “their best friend” for a reason: whether it is loyalty, history, hobbies in common, sense of humor, etc.
You also must realize that since this person is so important to your partner, they should register on your scale as well. If you don’t get along, find some common ground – even if it is just your loyalty to your partner.
You And Your Partner Are Enthusiastic When Something Goes Right For The Other Person
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When you are with someone, you should want the best for that person (even if it may deflate your ego or cause a bit of tension). If you really wanted that promotion at work, but it means that you may have to work more hours, your partner should be happy for you when you get it. You should be each other’s support system and cheerleader.
You And Your Partner Show Affection Toward One Another
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Not everyone is a PDA (Public Display of Affection) type of person; I understand that. Also, not everyone is a touchy-feely person. While that may be true for you, you can still find ways to show your partner that you care about them in small and frequent ways: whether it is saying something nice or saying, “I love you.” The little things do matter.
You Don’t Refuse To Talk About Something Important To Your Partner - Even If It’s Not Important To You
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Sometimes this one is kind of annoying, but you must realize that you should be mindful of the things that are important to your partner. You may not be a big fan of the video game that they like to play but if they want to tell you about their latest victory, allow them that privilege. That goes for big topics too.
You Have Fun Together
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This is one of those things that everyone should agree with. If you don’t, then there is a problem. I understand that some of you play the role of mother/wife/daughter/best friend/psychiatrist/crying shoulder/superwoman (i.e., you are busy), but that shouldn’t hinder you from quality time with your partner. Even if it is just sitting around cuddling and reading books together or having dinner.
You Know What Each Other’s Favorite Foods Are
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It may seem silly, but those little things (favorite foods, colors, things, activities, etc.) are important. Often, we will take those things for granted because we see each other every day. Don’t let the regularity fool you, though – you should never take anything for granted. Enjoy these little things with each other.
Their favorite food and color both add to their personality. You may even learn about various aspects of their life because of it. The topic of food alone is a major one because food is such a big aspect of culture.
You Are Open To Your Partner's Suggestions
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If you are in a healthy relationship, you need to respect and value each other’s ideas and opinions. Hopefully, this is something that you already acknowledge. It is important, and if this isn’t an aspect of your relationship, there will be consequences (which normally include the word “resentment”).
They Make You Want To Be A Better Person
Image credit: Dean Drobot via
I am a big advocate of “you are the only person who should influence your life”. What that means is that no matter what your parents wanted you to be “when you grow up” or what other people’s expectations of you are – you should want to live your life for you.
However, when you meet the right person, that changes a little. When I was in college, a smart woman once told me that you know you are with the right person if they make you want to succeed and be a better person.” You want to make them proud by being the best you. You don’t want to change for them. You should want to change because of them.
Lasting Relationships
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Spending the rest of your life with someone shouldn’t be something that you take lightly. The things on this list may appear to be silly but trust me when I say that it is the little things that you will forever remember about this person.
It is the little things that you love. It is the little things that will keep you missing them when they must go away on a business trip. And it is the little things – those silly things – that will keep you both together for the rest of your lives.
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