Though women are considered to be confusing, men are just as perplexing. From everyday things that an average woman cannot understand no matter how much she tries to his attention to useless details, here are 20 things men say and do women do not understand!
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Men think they are so smooth with their "hey baby" and "hello gorgeous," but they are often creepy. It is not a way to start a conversation, especially if you see the woman doing her chores, minding her business, and not caring about your existence. Compliments are great, but there is a time and place for everything.
Male gadget obsession
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While women usually spend money to look better, men typically show off their new toys. On average, guys spend more, especially on the latest tech gadgets, and sadly, they do not even use them most of the time.
The toilet seat
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Not only should a guy know that putting the toilet seat down is a sign of good manners, but also, keeping the lid down is hygenic. Women always need the toilet seat down, but men use it both ways. So, wouldn't it be easier for everyone if men learned how to use the toilet properly?
Thinking women saying "everything is fine" is actually fine
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When a woman says, "It's fine," you should be ready for a natural disaster. But most guys think this means they are out of the woods. Not even close! A woman merely wants time to prepare a strategy to unleash her fury.
Treating sports teams as family members
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If the game is on, the lights are off. It does not matter if a woman needs her man or if something meaningful is happening in the world. Men treat their favorite teams like their children, and honestly, most women fail the appeal.
Thinking that losing hair is the end of the world
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Most men will get upset if a woman mentions their hair. It is not like going bald is something men can prevent. Yet, they will hold on until the last hair on their head says a final goodbye. Women like confident men, and it has nothing to do with reducing hairline.
Acting like babies when they get sick
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Even the biggest, manliest guys turn into toddlers when they catch a cold. Perhaps they enjoy being nurtured by their women, but when a grown man turns into a baby, that is a turn-off. So, why do guys do it?
Being scared of "female things"
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Women go through periods, PMS, and childbirth, yet men are disgusted by these things. It is hard to understand why since they would not exist otherwise. This is natural and quite painful, so a little sympathy is more than welcome.
Fascination with breasts
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As much as they hate that women get periods, they never stop obsessing over breasts. Men overanalyze and talk about them with their buddies, yet women fail to see the appeal.
Checking out other women while with a partner
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Men keep saying they enjoy looking because there is no harm in it. If their wife or girlfriend does the same, the green monster appears, and it is like women are not allowed to appreciate beauty.
Getting worked up over casual questions
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If a woman asks a guy, "what's on your mind," she is asking just that. She is not trying to enter a man's brain. Yet, most men think this innocent question implies they are being called out for something. Why is that?
Remembering only useless details
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Ask your man about his team's statistics, and he will go back to the 50s. Now, ask him the name of his best friend's child or your birthday. Though they might know it, guys need to think about these things, which is frustrating!
Believing that feelings are for girls
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Talking about feelings should be part of everyday communication. It is not a ploy to manipulate a guy but to get to know him better. It is also good for men's mental health, but apart from saying "I love you" and "I got so mad at work," it is rather confusing that men cannot see beyond these two emotions.
Skipping foreplay
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Instead of enjoying each meal on a six-course dinner, many guys merely want to skip to the main dish. Women usually want that six-course dinner; when guys insist on ignoring it, they lose too. So, what is the deal?
Giving silly nicknames to their buddies
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Apart from naming their pee-pee, which is both annoying and creepy, men enjoy calling their friends by bizarre nicknames. They are all "bros," but there are also some strange references to the movies, and no, an average woman cannot keep up with that.
Staying in relationships because they can't be alone
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The tables have turned! Now, men do not desire to be alone, so whether they want to admit it or not, they will stay in miserable relationships. This is not a complete mystery: women are more in tune with their feelings. That's why they can find peace in solitude.
Adjusting themselves
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It is not that men need to adjust their packages. It is that they do it anywhere, all the time! Why not do it in privacy?
Abusing aftershave
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Men tend to like the natural scent of a woman with a hint of perfume. But, they do not apply this rule when using aftershave or cologne. It should leave a trace in the air, not create another ozone hole.
Throwing slurs
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Sometimes, while watching their favorite team lose or being "cool" in front of the "bros," most guys frequently use foul language. It is not that women do not swear, but throwing insults for the sake of it is a sign of bad manners.
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Finally, there is the infamous mansplaining, or explanation women do not need because they already figured it all out unassisted. The best example is driving. Men are not better drivers, as they cause more fatal accidents. But they will mansplain driving to a woman because that's a "manly" thing to do.
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