Curiosity got the best of a friend group when their friend's Amazon package arrived while she was in the bathroom. Though they knew they shouldn't have done it, her friends couldn't resist the temptation to open the package and see what was inside - even if it meant upsetting her. Should they be forgiven for their curiosity, or did they go too far in invading the privacy of a close friend?
The Sweet Sound of Unwrapping
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There's a certain joy that comes with opening a delivery package, especially when you've been eagerly awaiting its arrival. That sound of ripping packaging is music to your ears, signaling the long-awaited arrival of the item you've been so excited to receive.
Unfortunately, this experience was taken away from one woman, as a group of sneaky friends decided to open the package on her behalf before she could experience the thrill for herself. The contents, however, proved to be a major letdown for them.
Can't Resist the Temptation
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In a Reddit post, the 24-year-old OP revealed that they had been close friends with their colleague for five years and worked together at the same place.
Very recently, an Amazon package arrived for her friend while she was in the bathroom. Instead of simply waiting for her to finish up and open the package herself, her friends decided to satisfy their curiosity and open it themselves while she was in the bathroom.
Disappointed By Its Contents
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Unfortunately for her friends, all the excitement and impatience over the package was for nothing – it turned out to be just a simple T-shirt from Amazon.
Friend Finds Out
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After discovering that her friends had opened the package containing her T-shirt, she was “very upset” and told them they had no right to open her package without her permission.
Too Curious To Resist
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In their defense, one of her friends explained that they were just “messing around” and had opened the package out of curiosity.
Too Close To Hide Secrets
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The OP also believes that she has such a close relationship with her friend that there was nothing that she’d want to hide from her, not even the contents of her Amazon package.
Did She Overreact?
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After opening her close friend's Amazon package, the OP is now grappling with the guilt and dilemma of whether or not she was in the wrong, turning to the Reddit community for answers and posing the question, “AITA, or did she overreact?”
As expected in true Reddit fashion, the responses to her question were a mixed bag of opinions, which might not have been the most enjoyable for her to read.
“You're Not 7 Years Old”
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“YTA,” voted one user. “Can't believe you even have to ask. Don't mess with peoples' sh.t. It's not yours. You're not 7 years old.”
In response, another Redditor wrote, “Even my 7-year-old doesn’t open mail that has someone else’s name on it. Even if she knows it’s for her, she still waits for someone else to open it for her. OP, YTA.”
“Literally A Crime”
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The backlash the OP faced wasn't limited to mere criticism; some members of the Reddit community also warned her that she and her friends could face legal consequences.
A “YTA” voter wrote, “Curiosity (nosiness) is no excuse to violate someone's privacy. And in some countries taking/opening others' mail is a criminal offense.”
“You Have Some Audacity”
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“YTA because you NEVER open someone else's packages unless they give you permission, which you didn't have,” one Redditor commented. “Not only is it rude, but it is also illegal. You knowing her well or not isn't an excuse either. Just like messing around with your friends by doing it isn't.”
“You were wrong & violated her privacy by opening something that didn't belong to you. She has every right to be upset. You owe her an apology. Learn to keep your hands off things that don't belong to you & only open packages that have your name on them or the owner gives you permission to open them. You have some audacity.”
A Matter of Respecting Boundaries
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“YTA,” agreed another commenter, who questioned, “What if there was something personal in there? What if a bunch of your coworkers opened your package?”
“It's not about ‘she has nothing to hide,’ it's about personal space and boundaries which are required for relationships to last.”
“Grow Up”
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In the hopes of teaching the OP a lesson in respecting others’ privacy, one person recounted, “I opened one piece of my neighbor’s mail that was mistakenly placed in my box a while back. It was a credit card statement from a company I also have an account with.”
“As soon as I pulled out the papers and saw his name at the top, I shoved them back in the envelope, knocked on his door, and apologized while reassuring him I didn’t look at any details. I was mortified and it was an innocent accident. OP YTA and need to grow up. You’re trying to rationalize this like a little kid snooping for gifts and it ain’t cutting it. ”
The Moral Of The Story
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While the OP and her friends' actions may have been well-intentioned, the moral of the story is: always respect someone's privacy, even if it's just a package from Amazon.
Hopefully, they've learned their lesson and won't be peeking into any more packages anytime soon. After all, it's not just bad manners - it might even land them in legal trouble, or, if you're going to be curious, at least make sure the contents of the package are worth the risk!
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Source: Reddit
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