Shortly after stepping onto the plane, 26 unsuspecting Frontier passengers were unexpectedly asked to leave because it was beyond its weight capacity.
26 People Off Plane Due To Weight Issues
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It seems that on one particular trip, the weight limit was not exceeded with just 1 or 2 passengers, but with 26 passengers, leaving the cabin crew no choice but to remove them from the trip and wish them "Good luck" before their departure.
Provocative TikTok Clip
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Taylor, a passenger who is also a travel agent, filmed the recent viral TikTok video that sparked widespread online outrage.
Weight Limit Drama
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The 36-second clip begins with the pilot addressing the passengers through the intercom system.
"Unfortunately, with the weight issues we have we're going to have to remove 26 people," the pilot says in the video.
Safety First
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The pilot also assures the passengers that the gate agents are fully aware of the safety concern and will handle it appropriately.
He continues, "So the gate agents are aware of the situation and they are gonna be taking care of this.”
"I Sincerely Apologize”
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Apologetically, the pilot acknowledges that it was an "unforeseen issue" and expresses their limited ability to address it, saying, “our hands are pretty tied at this point."
Passengers Taken Aback
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At the end, the pilot wishes the passengers good luck and thanks them for their patience, prompting several passengers to repeat in confusion, "Good luck?"
Sudden Destination Switch
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Taylor mentions in the video that the plane was initially scheduled for San Juan, Puerto Rico, but would now be redirected to Orlando, Florida.
Video Sparks Varied Viewpoints
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With more than 172,000 views and over 500 comments, the TikTok video has sparked a lively online discussion, with viewers expressing differing viewpoints regarding the incident.
Critical Role of Loadmaster for Aircraft Safety
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One comment expressed the sentiment, "I wish people would realize what a loadmaster does and how important a job this is for every aircraft. It’s all for your safety.”
Ensuring Safety in the Skies
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According to Indeed, a loadmaster holds the responsibility of organizing baggage and cargo placement on an aircraft. Additionally, they’re responsible for calculating the aircraft's weight to ensure secure positioning of passengers and cargo, maintaining the plane's center of gravity.
Sacrificing Seats for the Greater Safety
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In the comments, some viewers joined the conversation by expressing their willingness to be the first to volunteer to leave the plane if they were in a similar situation, as long as it ensured the safety of everyone else.
First to Leave the Plane
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Someone firmly stated, "This is one case where I’m off the plane before he even finishes explaining. Nope. Not taking that flight.”
Another viewer expressed, "The moment he said good luck I would've taken my family and gotten off that plane.”
Profit over People?
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Others in the comment section argued that the company's focus appeared to be on preserving the value of the cargo on the plane, rather than prioritizing the passengers.
"Everything is a financial decision,” stated one commenter, “cheaper to dump people then to dump fuel or cargo." Another added, “The amount paid for all that excess weight in cargo is more expensive than those 26 tickets. We don't matter.”
Passenger Removal Is "Pure Laziness"
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Someone argued that instead of removing the passengers, the logical course of action would be to prioritize removing the luggage first. "That's pure laziness on those part,” they expressed.
“Remove the luggage first. If they remove the passengers, then they have to remove the luggage also. Stupid."
Targeting Heavier Travelers
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Some believed the cabin crew might selectively choose to remove heavier passengers from the flight, suggesting that they are targeted and unfairly treated in such situations.
"You know if you're 200+lbs, you're being judged that whole flight," they commented.
Source: TikTok
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Source: TikTok
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