A teacher named Meg expressed her disappointment on Twitter after her students filmed her and shared the videos on TikTok.
She Felt Gutted
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The education worker even pondered whether she chose the right career, adding she felt “gutted.”
Her post went viral
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The tweet surpassed 600k views, as it read: “Today was such a rough day. My students thought it was appropriate to make several TikTok videos of me. I feel gutted. Education may not be for me. Not sure I’m going back in the am.” Many Twitter users gave the woman encouragement and advice.
Phones during class
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One commentator wondered, “Why were they using their phones during class? I taught in an apprenticeship program. I told them that if their phone rang in class, I would answer it. And if they were caught using it during class time, they could either surrender it or lose credit for that day. Three and out.”
She can't take their phones
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Meg replied, “I’m not allowed to take their phones.”
Twitter users added that Meg should go to the school administration, but Meg replied she received no support, adding, “Not sure what to say or do. I feel powerless.”
Rough day
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She wrote in her post: "Today was such a rough day. My students thought it was appropriate to make several TikTok videos of me. I feel gutted. Education may not be for me. Not sure I’m going back in the am.— Meg!"
People wanted to support her
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People wanted to support Meg, and many were annoyed that the school allowed phones in the classroom, with a Twitter user writing, “So phones are allowed at your school? Fine if for educational use, but for anything else, lock them down. Pictures could be taken in bathrooms and broadcasted. Your district better be ready for future lawsuits. Protect everyone in a school situation…unless a crime is pictured.”
Not okay
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Another wrote: “Meg…I’m so sorry. That’s not okay, and it’s despicable the administration isn’t backing you.”
She felt grateful
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The teacher felt grateful as she addressed the Twitter community, writing:
“I’m so grateful for the support of many of you-I’m debating on turning my resignation on in the am. If anyone feels compelled, I’d love some lawyer resources also, if you’re in a position to help me financially until I find a new job-I’d be incredibly thankful.”
Don't quit!
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User @AnnOberski told Meg not to quit, adding, “you’re the kind of person who should be a teacher. Stick out the year, then find another school. Students who recorded/posted you did so without your OK. They violated your rights. The school did nothing to help and are liable too. Find a lawyer. Stay strong.”
Figure it out
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User @judithfuller6, a retired teacher, shared, “Don’t quit while you’re so upset if you haven’t already. Take as many sick days as you can and talk to your family and friends. I’m sure you’re a great teacher. This just isn’t a great school for you. You’ll figure out the best thing for you.”
Calm down first
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Another Twitter user, who uses the handle @focused4USA, advised Meg: “NEVER make a decision as big and life-altering as this when you are upset – even tho rightfully so. Never make a decision others ‘forced’ on you. You worked hard to get where you are and deserve the time to thoughtfully hash it all out wx a professional or friend.”
I believe in you
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Amy_producer told Meg, whose handle is @ StrawberryAcaiT, “Take however many sick days you can and get yourself on a better emotional footing. I believe in you.”
What should she do?
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It is not clear if Meg left teaching or took the advice and focused on herself until she figured out her next move. She restricted her original post on Twitter.
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