Presidential candidate from Arkansas, Republican Asa Hutchinson, explained to "Washington Journal" his plan for a million seniors to get back at work.
Million people back in the workforce
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Hutchison said, "Those people who are aged 62 and want to take Social Security and retire, they shouldn't be penalized by the government for working. That could add a million people back into our workforce who want to work, and they could get their Social Security benefit, and they could work at the same time."
Helping the economy
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The Arkansas Republican and presidential candidate added, "Those are kind of changes that, to me, make sense that will help our economy and help our budgeting."
Hutchinson wants to bring positivity
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The former Arkansas Governor told Richland County Republicans, "Today, we have leaders that capitalize on our division, and they push the division, and they further divide us, and I don’t believe that is presidential leadership, so I want to bring an optimism."
Reforming federal law enforcement
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Hutchinson, a former federal prosecutor, criticized the agencies, especially the FBI, and said, “There also should be some institutional changes, and the FBI has grown too large and too bureaucratic, and they’ve lost focus. So we need to change and reform federal law enforcement. I’m the best one to do that.”
No defunding
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The Republican called out those who want to defund the FBI, saying, “They’re just demagoguing the issue, and the fact is, (the FBI) has a very important mission in counterterrorism, in protecting our country and enforcing our law, but it is too broad, and it needs to be more narrow and (have) more accountability,"
Poking fun at DeSantis
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After DeSantis struggled with his presidential announcement, Hutchinson tweeted, "Just like my policies, this link works." He added a link to support the former Governor: "Click here to support the consistent conservative candidate whose policies work every time."
He criticized Biden
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In an interview with Fox News, the presidential candidate talked about several burning topics, including the debt ceiling. He later tweeted, "Republicans started the conversation months ago and have passed a comprehensive solution, but Biden isn’t recognizing his party’s spending addiction. We can do better."
The China issue
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While on Fox, Hutchinson said the economy should grow at a faster pace, adding that current issues are hurting American families. His aim is to empower the private sector, and then he continued by saying, "China is such an incredible threat to the United States economically."
No weaknesses
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The former Governor continued by saying that "We cannot show weakness in foreign affairs, we have to do well in supporting Ukraine, and China needs to see the strength of the United States, economically and militarily."
Drama-Free President
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Despite low polling numbers, the nominee from Arkansas is showing fairness and promises to be a drama-free president. Hutchinson was a Trump supporter, though he believes that Trump should not be allowed to run due to his actions during the Jan. 6, 2021, riots.
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