Each day, all of us are faced with numerous, different challenges, but the one issue that we all can relate to is the desire to shed a few pounds. Let’s face it, no matter how hard we work in the gym and how healthy we try to eat, the pounds just seem to stick around. Now, this is partially from following diet plans that are extremely boring, and you get sick and tired of eating the same foods in the same low proportions seven days per week. So, are we always going to be stuck with choosing between working overly hard in the gym and eating a bland diet, or do we have another option. We actually do have another option, which is the Dukan Diet.
My Take
The Dukan Diet was founded by Pierre Dukan, a French nutritionist and dietician. After years of playing around with different dieting concepts, Dukan finally realized that there had to be a better way to lose weight without having to eat bland-tasting foods. There are four stages in his plan, which are attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization. The attack phase is the first one, and it is designed to allow us to lose up to three kilograms in 10 days or less. The second phase, cruise, is designed to help you lose another kilogram per week for each week you wish to continue the plan. The third and fourth phases are all about maintenance. During these stages, you will be able to eat the foods that are allowed on the plan, but you will be adding some simple cardiovascular-based exercise, such as walking for 20 or 30 minutes per day.
Now, you are likely thinking that this does not sound too much different than ordinary diet plans in the fact that your goal is to lose as much weight as quick as you can, and then you focus on maintenance. However, this plan allows you to eat lean foods that are rich in protein and other nutrients. This means that you will actually feel full and energized after your meals, so you will never have to feel like you are making some serious sacrifices to shred your extra weight. Your diet will consist of tasty proteins and vegetables, and you can eat as many of them as you like. The theory behind this is that these foods do not have a lot of calories or fat anyway, and by eating more of them, you are giving your body more of what it needs; vitamins and protein.
As someone who has a high level of knowledge with dieting and fitness, I can tell you this plan will make you change your whole perspective on dieting. You will not have to eat the prepackaged foods sent from the dieting company. In addition, you will never have to face the agony of eating bland foods while you soak in the aroma of the large pizza your kids are eating across the room.
“The Dukan Diet Life Plan”
This is the first Dukan Diet book. In this book, you will learn more information about the four phases associated with the Dukan Diet. You will also find lots of good information regarding how you can fit this diet into your lifestyle, such as getting around the issue of bringing your meals to work. The book includes 60 recipes that are guaranteed to leave your mouthwatering, and you will be even more impressed when you still see the weight coming off. You will likely be wondering how it is even possible that you are losing weight eating food that tastes so good while your friends are struggling on diets that offer lesser-quality foods.
“The Dukan Diet: The French Medical Solution for Permanent Weight Loss”
This is the second Dukan Diet book. This text will give you even more information about the Dukan Diet plan. Inside, you will learn about the 100 nutritional foods that can guide you towards a healthy lifestyle. You will also learn how to make some tasty variations of your favorite foods that will allow you to actually lose even more weight. In addition, the author will give you a background of their plan and what their experiences have been with other diets. In other words, you will quickly learn why you were not the only one who could not make those low-calorie, painstaking diets work.
“The Dukan Diet: 2 steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep it Off”
The final book in the series, “The Dukan Diet: 2 Steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep if Off” will provide you with even more useful information on making this plan work. You will find more tips on using the four phases associated with this diet to lose the weight and keep it off. The title pretty much sums it up with two steps to lose, which are the attack and cruise, and the two steps to maintain your loss, which are the consolidation and stabilization phases. The last section of the book is dedicated to an extremely motivating survey on short, medium and long-term results people just like you have experienced with this plan.
As someone who has strived to live a fit and healthy lifestyle, I can assure you that this is the one diet plan that everyone can succeed on, but the problem is that you are one of the lucky ones who have found it. Once you experiment with this diet and see how much you can lose without feeling like you are giving up your enjoyment of food, you will likely be recruiting many of your friends to this plan. Everything from the four phases, which include attack, cruise, consolidate and stabilize to the motivating success stories the books will keep you wanting to lose more and more. So, if you have decided that you are fed up with one diet plan after another failing, but you are tired of not losing weight, you should really give this plan a shot today.
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