Have you ever thought that you deserved a dressing room? Do you have little room in your bedroom for the huge walk-in closet that let’s face it, every woman needs. If you feel that your closet space is simply not enough or you just have a small bedroom that is basically sitting empty, you can turn that bedroom into an elegant dressing room or just a basic storage closet and you do not have to spend much time or money to do it. If you are ready to have the dressing room of your dreams, you simply have to follow a few key steps:
1. Cleaning
First, you have to clean the spare room. Cleaning may not be what you wanted to do but in order to organize that room and turn it into your dream closet, it has to be completely cleaned out. Since you are going to have to clean it out anyway, take the time to really get the dirt out. Vacuum any carpeting or rugs, sweep and mop hardwood floors, remove those old cobwebs and generally give it a good deep cleaning. After you have cleaned, look to see if the paint needs to be redone or if the flooring needs replaced. You will want to decide on colors before you get too far into your project so if you are planning to repaint or lay down carpeting or hardwood flooring, now is the time to decide on those colors and materials.
2. Evaluate
Think about what you need, or what you want. If you are building a dressing room then it is all about what you want. Measure the room and get a good idea of how much space you have to work with. Make sure that you note these numbers down. When you begin putting up shelving and adding furniture you will need to know exactly how much room you have. You also have to have these numbers if you are planning to redo flooring and such. Think about where you want everything to go. Now, if you are designing a dressing room then you absolutely have to have mirrors. Full length mirrors should be on at least one wall so decide which wall will be dedicated to those. You want to be able to see yourself when you are trying on clothing in your new space.
3. Plan and Organize
Think about how much actual closet organization you need. How much clothing are you planning to put in here? How many shoes do you need to store? Shelving is not going to be terribly expensive and you can build it yourself if you prefer to really save money but you have to know how much you need. Divided hanging organizers will look best so choose a wall for hanging clothes and mark off a space where you can put poles in two different positions. You want a higher one for gowns and other longer items and shorter ones for folded slacks, shirts, sweaters and things that are not likely to rub the ground when hanging. You can split these closet organizers in two and put racks for shoes or a nice dresser or bureau in between.
4. Lighting Setup
You need lighting so think about the kind of lighting that you want your dressing room to have. Track lighting works very well in closet areas and if you prefer, you can add colorful LED lighting to certain spaces to really give it an elegant look. If you have room, place a small table or nightstand in a corner, add a nice lamp and you can even throw in a comfy chair so you have your own little reading space when you need to get away from the rest of the world. This works great next to a window if you have one. You could also add a nice daybed or a small couch that pulls out into a bed, think futon, so that you have space available when you actually do need an extra bedroom.
5. Claim Your Space
Think about your accessories – not jewelry and scarves mind you but accessories for your room. Add a colorful rug, hang some curtains that you love and just make the room really your own. There is no limit to the number of things that you can add to really spruce this room up and make it elegant and relaxing. Hang a scarf over your lampshade or just go wild and put pictures on the walls of all your favorite things. This is your personal dressing room and you have the power to make it anything you want.
Lovely room, every womens dream lol
I love the set up on this dressing room! Where could I find an area rug very similar to the one in the picture? Thank you!
Where do I purchase the shelving and hanging things
IKEA is the best place, plus they will help you find what you need if you have a picture and measurements. I also like the fact that they have the show room floor so you can see the actual items assembled and displayed functionally.