Sometimes the simplest act can change a life. Miracles happen every day and earthly angles can make a huge impact. Small acts of kindness can completely restore someone’s faith in humanity (or insecurity) and instantly change their circumstances for the better. Here is a look at some people paying it forward.
Former homeless guy tracks down his helper.
Helping out a man in need, a lovely story.
Random stranger giving back the iPad he just found.
Athlete helping out injured competitor
Dry-cleaner helping out unemployed people.
Free books
Japanese mentality
Policeman handing new shoes to a homeless guy
Miracles? I don't think any laws of nature were broken here. Although I guess it does seem like being kind and considerate is against the nature of our species most of the time.
Miracles aren't actually real, of course, but these are very nice examples of human kindness. Of particular bravery is the Japanese pensioners offering to take on radiation! That takes great bravery indeed, especially given what can happen to you in severe cases.
So a nice example of human nature this Friday evening! Thanks, I'll make sure I perform a good deed over the weekend.