Are you looking for something different for you and your partner on the next date night? Having regular talks about the same old topics such as work, kids, or friends can get boring over time. Or maybe you've just started a new relationship and want to get to know your partner better.
Instead of a movie or a standard night out, why not try playing the couple questions game together? Think of things you would like to know about your partner.
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And if you're not exactly sure what to ask, don't worry. Here are a couple of prompts for you to choose from.
300 Questions To Ask Your Partner
The key to a successful romantic relationship is communication. And even if you have known each other for a long time, there are always things you may have missed.
These questions will help you gather more information and provide a good insight into your partner's inner feelings and thoughts. By asking the right questions, you will be surprised how much you can learn about one another. You'll also keep the spark of romance alive and keep the fire going.
Related: First date questions to ask a guy
So, here are questions that made it to our top list:
Questions To Get To Know Your Partner
1. How would you describe yourself in three words?
2. What are the things you like about yourself?
3. When was the last time you cried, and why?
4. What about yourself are you most ashamed of?
5. What are the things you have always wanted to do but never got the chance or courage?
6. Do you play a musical instrument?
7. How many close friends do you have?
8. Have you ever fallen out with your closest friends?
9. What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
10. Do you believe in God?
11. Do you consider yourself superstitious?
12. Which country would you like to visit and why?
13. Have you ever lived abroad?
14. Do you believe in destiny?
15. What was your most embarrassing moment?
16. Do you believe in the afterlife?
17. What is your Zodiac sign?
18. What is your favorite book or movie?
19. What gives you pleasure in life?
20. What is something you are most proud of?
21. What do you want out of life?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
23. What irritates you most?
24. How quickly can you calm yourself down?
25. What is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you?
26. Do you like your job?
27. Who do you look up to?
28. Is there something you are afraid of?
29. What is the most cherished memory in your life?
30. Have you ever been in a dark place, and how did you get out of depression?
31. Do you have pets?
32. Do you think the world is changing for better or worse?
33. Is there something you constantly worry about?
34. Are there any life-changing moments that happened to you?
35. If you could turn back time, what would you change?
36. What was the worst thing you had to endure?
37. Are there any life lessons you had to learn the hard way?
38. Do you forgive people easily?
39. What is your opinion on cosmetic surgery?
40. What do you prefer, the city or the countryside?
41. How do you spend your free time?
42. Do you like sports?
43. What was the most difficult thing you had to do?
44. Do you like challenges?
45. What is your worst memory?
46. What is your ideal job?
47. Do you think you are biased?
48. Do you have a guilty pleasure?
49. What would you like to be remembered for?
50. How many languages do you speak?
51. What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?
52. What is something you could never forgive?
53. Are there any things you believed were true for a long time and it turned out they were not?
54. Is there something you take for granted?
55. Do you find it hard to apologize?
56. Which conspiracy theories do you believe in?
57. Would you ever run for a president?
58. What is the most rewarding thing about your job?
59. Do you like your working environment?
60. How do you cope with stress?
61. What is your favorite drink?
62. How likely are you to change your opinion on something?
63. What is your greatest weakness?
64. What part of the day are you most productive?
65. What is the most important event in your life?
66. Is there something you would like you were good at?
67. How often do you procrastinate on things?
68. What is your favorite food?
69. Is there something you did wrongly for years only to find out it should have been done differently?
70. What kind of music do you listen to?
71. What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
72. What was your dream job when you were little?
73. What was your favorite school subject?
74. Did you hate high school?
75. Are you religious?
76. Where would you like to live?
77. How easily can you get angry?
78. Do you believe in luck, or do you think we make our own luck?
79. Are there any superpowers you would like to have?
80. What would you change about the world?
81. Are you eco-friendly?
82. What historical era would you most want to go to?
83. Do you believe in a past life? If you do, what do you think you were in it?
84. Who was your first celebrity crush?
85. Do you believe in ghosts?
86. If you had three wishes that would come true, what would they be?
87. What is your major regret in life?
88. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
89. What simple things can make you happy?
90. Are you a risk-taker?
91. Are you afraid of the dark?
92. Do you have any hidden talents?
93. Are you hard on yourself?
94. Is there someone you are envious of?
95. Who is your favorite actor?
96. Are there things you like spending money on?
97. Name one thing you could not live without.
98. Have you visited a fortune-teller?
99. What is your favorite color?
100. Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?
101. If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?
102. If you were born the opposite sex, how would you behave?
103. What’s your favorite season, and why?
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Questions To Get To Know More About Your Partner's Family And Childhood
Knowing more about your partner's family and childhood can help you understand why they are the way they are today. It can help you pinpoint their patterns of behavior that may shape the relationship you have in the future.
In addition, sharing childhood memories can help you connect with your significant other.
104. Which parent did you like more as a kid?
105. Do you have any siblings?
106. Who do you take after?
107. Was there something your parents used to do that made you feel embarrassed?
108. How often did you visit your grandparents?
109. Did you grow up in a nuclear or extended family?
110. Did you go on family vacations?
111. What were you afraid of as a child?
112. What games did you play with your friends?
113. Were you mischievous as a child?
114. What are some of your earliest memories?
115. Who is your favorite cousin?
116. What was your favorite toy?
117. Which parent was stricter with you when you were a kid?
118. Did you ever rebel against your parents?
119. What are the things you like most about your father?
120. What are the things you like most about your mother?
121. What are the things you hate most about your father?
122. What are the things you hate most about your mother?
123. Was there a family member you admired most when you were a child?
124. Was there a family member you avoided as a child?
125. Is there something you wish you could change about your upbringing?
126. Who used to tuck you in when you went to bed?
127. Did you have a family tradition you liked most?
128. How did you spend your summer holidays?
129. Did you have your own room?
130. What was the house rule you hated most?
131. How often were you grounded, and why?
132. When did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
133. Did the tooth fairy leave money under your pillow?
134. What was your biggest fear as a kid?
135. Did your parents make you eat vegetables?
136. Were you spoiled as a child?
137. Do you keep in touch with any of your childhood friends?
138. Did you use to pick fights as a child?
139. Were you homeschooled, or did you go to a regular school?
140. What kind of punishment did you hate most?
141. Did you ever want more or fewer siblings?
142. How would you describe your parents' marriage?
143. What was your favorite activity that you did with your parents?
Relationship Questions For A New Couple
Asking relationship questions can help you gauge how compatible you and your partner are. Do you have the same expectations? Do you share the same goals? Are you truly ready to commit to each other?
Use these questions to find out:
144. How did your last relationship end?
145. What do you seek in a partner?
146. Do you believe in marriage?
147. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
148. What can turn you off in a relationship?
149. How long does it take for you to fall in love?
150. Do you believe in love at first sight?
151. Have you ever cheated on in a relationship?
152. Have you ever been cheated on?
153. How willing are you to compromise in a relationship?
154. Are you friends with your ex's?
155. What is the best thing you learned from your previous relationships?
156. What is something you would never forgive your partner?
157. What do you like about being in a relationship?
158. What is something you do not like about a relationship?
159. In your opinion, why do people fall out of love?
160. What was your longest relationship?
161. Have you ever been in an unhealthy relationship?
162. Would you continue being in a relationship your family disapproved of?
163. How romantic are you?
164. Do you think a man should earn more than a woman in a relationship? Would you have any objections if it was otherwise?
165. What is the craziest thing you would do for love?
166. What is your idea of a perfect honeymoon?
167. Have you ever been on a blind date?
168. Do you mind great age gaps in a relationship?
Sex Questions For A New Couple
Being intimate with your significant other is an important part of a relationship. However, it is normal for a couple to start slowly and get to know each other better before engaging in sexual intercourse.
Knowing your partner's sexual preferences and what they like can prevent many awkward situations.
If you are comfortable talking about sex, here are some questions to ask your partner. Choose the ones you feel at ease with.
169. How important is sex to you in a relationship?
170. What is the most adventurous thing you've done sexually?
171. Were there any embarrassing situations that happened to you while having sex?
172. Do you have any wild fantasies?
173. What turns you on in bed?
174. Which body parts do you like most in a partner?
175. What is your favorite position?
176. How do you like to be kissed?
177. Is there a place you would like to have sex?
178. What turns you off sexually?
179. Are there any things in sex you find off-limits?
180. Are there any spots that drive you crazy when making love?
181. How important is foreplay to you?
182. Do you like to talk dirty?
183. Are you always the one to initiate sex?
184. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
185. What was your first sexual experience like?
Relationship Questions For Long-Term Couples
If you feel you've been in a relationship so long that you don't have anything to ask your partner, these questions will prove you wrong. They are great conversation starters and help you discover more about your relationship.
186. If you could change one thing about me, what would that be?
187. Is there something you had never told me because you were afraid of my reaction?
188. What do you like about me?
189. What is something you like me doing for you?
190. What is one question you have always wanted to ask me but never plucked the courage?
191. What are the things you have learned from me?
192. What is something you feel our relationship is lacking?
193. Do you remember our first kiss?
194. What was the first thing you noticed about me?
195. What is something that annoys you about me?
196. If you knew this day would be our last, how would you spend it?
197. Which part of my body do you like best?
198. What is your fondest memory of us?
199. Is there something you would like to know about my previous relationships?
200. What was the last thing I did that impressed you?
201. How did you know I was “the one“?
202. If you could describe our relationship in three words, what would those words be?
203. What do you find attractive about me?
204. What is something you wish we did together more often?
205. Is there an activity you would like us to take up as a couple?
206. How could we make our relationship stronger?
207. Do you think we should improve our communication?
208. What is something you could never forgive me?
209. What is the hardest thing you had to do in our relationship?
210. Which one of my friends are you not fond of?
211. Which celebrity do I remind you of?
212. What is the goofiest thing I do that makes you laugh?
213. Were you ever afraid I would leave you?
214. How did you know I would say “yes“ to our first date.
215. How easy am I to read?
216. How many times do you think of me during the day?
217. Is there something you think I will never forgive you for doing?
218. What is something you see in me that other people don't?
219. If I were to change my job, what other job would fit me best?
220. How well do you feel we complement one another?
221. When did you realize you had feelings for me?
222. Which memory should we recreate?
223. Have you ever questioned my feelings for you?
224. Do you think I know you better than you know me?
225. What things did you learn from your previous relationships that made our relationship stronger?
226. What is the biggest challenge we had to go through as a couple?
227. How much have we changed over the course of our relationship?
228. Is there something I could do to support you more than I do now?
Relationship Questions For Couples Who Have Or Want To Have Kids
Whether you are thinking about having kids or you already have them, there is always room for improvement. Your partner might tell you something that will open your eyes to parenting styles.
Finally, it is always better to ask questions than make assumptions.
229. What age is the perfect one for us to have kids?
230. How many kids would you like to have?
231. What are your favorite boy and girl names?
232. What kind of punishments would you use if our child did something you did not like?
233. Would you be ready to adopt if we were unable to have kids?
234. Would you be present at the delivery of our baby?
235. Are you ready to change diapers?
236. Would you ever take paternity leave?
237. Would you ever be a homestay dad?
238. What mistakes do I make as a parent?
239. What mistakes do you make as a parent?
240. Do you think we are doing a good job as parents?
241. What qualities did you want to instill into our kids but failed?
242. What annoys you most about our kids?
243. What would you like our kids to become when they grow up?
244. What is your biggest fear as a father/mother?
245. How would you react if you found out that our kids were interested in the same sex?
246. Would you support our child if they decided to change sex?
247. What activities would you like to do more with our children?
248. How would you react if our daughter/son wanted to move in with their partner at the age of 16?
249. Would you accept to take care of our grandchildren?
250. Will you be willing to discuss sexual issues with our kids once they reach puberty?
251. Would you allow our kids to go on a school exchange program?
252. What would you do if our kids were dating someone with a different religion?
253. Would you allow our kids to marry someone with a different religion?
This or That Questions For Couples
Asking some random questions can make a conversation more fun and exciting. You can learn more about your partner’s personality or their thoughts on current events. And it’s a wonderful way to build a strong bond with your partner.
254. Tea or coffee?
255. Summer or winter?
256. Chocolate or vanilla?
257. Movies or books?
258. Gryffindor or Slytherin?
259. Batman or Superman?
260. Running or cycling?
261. Spring or fall?
262. Singing or dancing?
263. Mystery or comedy?
264. Cats or dogs?
265. Star Trek or Star Wars?
266. Jennifer Lopez or Shakira?
267. Gold or silver?
268. Dark or white chocolate?
269. Straight or curly hair?
270. Truth or dare?
271. Cinema or theater?
272. Beach or mountains?
273. Flats or high heels?
274. Blue or green?
275. House or flat?
276. Sweet or sour?
277. Pepsi or Coke?
278. Sand or snow?
279. Day or night?
280. Ice cream or cake?
281. Snow White or Cinderella?
282. Netflix or Hulu?
283. Car or bike?
284. Wine or beer?
285. Plain or patterned?
286. Facebook or Twitter?
287. Bath or shower?
288. Dishes or laundry?
289. Sun or moon?
290. Christmas or Easter?
291. Sweet or sour?
292. Hamburger or hot dog?
293. Yahoo or Gmail?
294. High school or college?
295. Logic or emotion?
296. Love or money?
297. Fruits or vegetables?
298. Matrix or Lord of the Rings?
299. Jeans or dresses?
300. Ketchup or mustard?
Playing the Couple Questions Game is not only fun but can help you spice up your long-term relationship as you find out new things about one another.
Or, if you have just begun a relationship, it will help you create a deeper connection with your significant other.
In each case, answering these questions will be an exciting and informative experience that can only lead to greater intimacy, understanding, and bonding.
Happy playing!
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