Perhaps you want to become an evil genius or merely learn more about the human psyche. Some of these might help when someone tries manipulating you, while others are ideal for your selfish desires.
Regardless, here are some of the evilest psychological hacks people shared on Reddit.
Compliment a person while arguing
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Break the shouting match by complimenting your opponent. A Reddit user explained that a sincere complete will throw any decent person "off-guard." With that, "they will then feel inclined to be more pliable."
Give people stuff
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While talking to someone, keep giving them things. Small items you see around you. You can confuse the opponent or get a free lunch like a Reddit user. They shared how they tried this with a friend during lunch, and by the time they were saying goodbye, "I handed him the receipt, and he just took it without question."
Do not even blink
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Perhaps the best advice came from this Reddit user, who shared, "humans naturally try to feed off one another verbally in conversation." The idea is to "deprive them of all subconscious feedback" by not using your words or gestures while looking them in the eyes. It is the easiest way to make someone stop talking.
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Get people to like you
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If you know someone is not your biggest fan, "I'll ask them to do simple favors for me, like passing me a drink from a table or doing a small, easy menial task, and then thank them and tell them they really helped me out." Subconsciously, they will start liking you without even knowing why.
Use the term "personally"
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This Reddit user wrote, "I just want you to know I personally have no problem with you being at this party." As another person explained, this "undercuts everything you've said, but with complete deniability."
Confirm their greatest fears
Image credit: kevinruss via
Use a sentence, "Everything people say about you is true." We are trained to think negatively, so this simple sentence will make a person feel insecure and throw them off their unwanted rant.
Make an awkward silence
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Make a person feel uncomfortable by staying silent. This works great in person and over the phone. One Reddit user explained how they use this trick, "It makes people second guess everything, start confessing the stupid things they did that led us to this moment or, ideally, gets them to go and figure out a way to take care of the problem they created on their own."
Try the forehead stare
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Instead of looking someone in the eye, stare "just between and slightly above the eye-line." A Reddit poster shared the secret behind this technique, "It throws them off their game, and they have a harder time lying to you or trying to influence you."
Confuse by asking the most ridiculous question
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Defuse any situation by asking a person an unexpected question. A Reddit user shared, "Someone is yelling? Ask them if they want sand. Are they in an uncomfortable situation? Ask if they want sand. Are they crying? Comfort them, then say calmly, Do you want some sand?"
Agree to disagree
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To get someone intensely uncomfortable, you merely agree with them. For example, "Hey, you're really ugly," answer, "yep. I know." A Reddit poster confirmed this works, writing, "Whenever people roast me, all I do is agree with them, and they have no clue what to do."
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Source: Reddit
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