Being attractive has little to do with looks and more with someone's personality. This is far more visible in women than in men since women are less visual types. Despite knowing this, many men still refuse to learn which traits they think women find attractive, but they actually don't.
Here are some of the finest examples of frustrating male traits that drive women crazy in all the wrong ways.
Complimenting her looks only
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A woman does not need to hear how she looks hot all the time. Instead, men should learn to compliment women on their brains, skills, small things they have learned over time. If a man only compliments her looks, it makes him shallow, and even worse, it makes a woman feel like an object.
Being overly persistent
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You might think it is charming, but this trait is a red flag. Why? Because it shows signs of possessiveness, obsession, and competitive drive. Allow a woman to make up her mind about you on her own.
Sending unsolicited pictures
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
Everyone knows that sending unsolicited photos is a way to gain attention. Men do it to impress women, but they fail to realize that they look creepy. There is nothing cute about it, yet someone must have started a rumor that this is something women secretly want to see. They don't!
Image credit: Pavel Danilyuk via
A woman talks to a guy. Instead of listening to her, he interprets her and starts explaining without hearing her out. He hides under the pretense that he was "just trying to let you know how it really works." Yes, that's mansplaining 1:1, and sadly, most women felt the wrath of this awful trait.
Also read: Does He Love Me? 10 Signs He is in Love With You Without a Doubt
Blaming the hormones
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For guys, PMS is a mystery. Men believe that mentioning PMS will magically make a woman change her mind or even apologize. It will only make things go ballistic.
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Confident men do not brag. They do not need to talk about their bank accounts, fashion labels, or cars. Bragging shows low self-esteem, as the man is selling his wealth to get a woman's attention.
Driving recklessly
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
Girls like bad boys, but women want responsible men. If a man is driving like a maniac, he wants to appear as a daredevil. Though it sounds exciting, reckless, fast, and furious driving is not a quality a good woman wants.
Calling a woman's interests girly
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
It is not just a battle between men and women. By labeling a woman's style or movie preferences as "girly," a guy treats her like a child.
Leaving all decisions to her
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The infamous "You decide" does not leave a woman with a choice. It makes her feel as if she is the only one invested in the relationship, even if the guy has the best intentions.
Not being vulnerable
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Many men still believe that vulnerability is a liability. Being alpha is a trait men think women find attractive, but they don't. However, a guy who cannot express his feelings is not long-term relationship material.
Also read: Qualities of a Good Man - Never Let Him Go If He Got These Traits
Putting other people down
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Men put others down when they feel they are not good enough. They want to look better in front of a woman they like and, in the process, turn themselves into heartless monsters.
Acting macho
Image credit: Pavel Danilyuk via
Some men ooze testosterone. If a guy does not fall into that category but acts as if he does, he is a fraud. The idea that women only fall for super macho alphas is insulting, and if a guy needs to "act" to get a girl's attention, he will be disappointed.
Related: What is a Sigma Male: An Ultimate Guide to the Lone Wolf
Not knowing how to take a compliment
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Usually, men believe that being complimented on their looks only includes their muscles and manhood. If a woman says to her man he's cute, he should thank her and not try to sulk because she made such a "feminine" remark.
Related: How to Compliment a Guy On His Looks
Ordering food for her
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
Men who order food for their girlfriends think it shows power and masculinity. In reality, women perceive this trait as condescending, so unless she says otherwise, a guy should look at the menu to decide for himself.
Talking about getting drunk as an achievement
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Bar fights and knowing how to drink one friend under the table is a childish display of toxic masculinity.
Being aggressive
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
Showing any signs of aggressive behavior is a red flag. Perhaps a man wants to prove he can protect his woman, but it is more likely to send chills down her spine.
Not having goals or plans
Image credit: Chermiti Mohamed via
Not having any goals is hardly what makes someone attractive. If anything, if there is no plan, there are no talks about the future, so what would be the point of dating that guy?
Related: Why Does a Man Act Like a Child in a Relationship & What to Do About It
That gym life
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
A new trend among men is posting gym selfies and taking extra care of their bodies. This is all positive until a guy starts trying to impress a woman by talking about his leg days, weights, etc. It is a trait men want to think is attractive, but it is a hobby, nothing else.
Calling the exes crazy
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
Men believe that labeling their exes boosts confidence in the new women in their lives. Though the efforts are heroic, the first thing the new woman thinks is, "Great, he might call me crazy next time he hooks up with someone."
Also read: 100+ Savage Ex Quotes to Make Them Jealous
Push and pull
Image credit: Dean Drobot via
Many guys claim they don't want drama but don't mind the constant push and pull in a relationship. This trait suggests a woman is not enough as the man seeks a thrill in creating chaos.
Comparing the current girlfriend to the exes
Image credit: Timur Weber via
It is not uncommon to draw comparations between former and new lovers. But when men do it in front of their current girlfriends, it is a clear sign of disrespect.
Related: 8 Easy Ways To Tell If You Are In A Healthy Relationship
Talking about the size
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
One of the most common among all traits you think women find attractive, but they actually don't, is talking about the size of your manhood. A woman might think, "Is that all he has to offer?" When a guy gloats over his size, it is wrong, childish, and quite sad.
Buying thoughtless gifts
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio via
If a woman talks about roses, and a guy prefers tulips, she will only be unpleasantly surprised if she does not receive roses. It truly is about listening and giving someone attention rather than the price of what you think is a good gift.
Assuming you will be doing the "horizontal tango"
Image credit: Pavel Danilyuk via
Most issues come from assuming instead of talking. Men believe they will "get lucky" if women ask them out on a date or if they splurge on a nice, romantic dinner. This male trait is toxic and leaves a woman feeling like an object, not a potential partner.
Not supporting woman's goals and dreams
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Men should root for their women like they support their favorite sports teams. Not taking women seriously is a trait men could never admit because many are not aware of it. But, they assume that all women merely want to marry and have kids.
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