From the comical sight of a woman struggling to walk in high heels like a moose on an icy surface, to the audacity to go to the bathroom and ask questions, men have their fair share of pet peeves about women. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, let’s delve into the 12 behaviors that give men the "ick" factor, according to their confessions.
When "Wow" Turns to "Ugh"
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Ever wondered what actions instantly make guys go from "wow" to "ugh"? Well, Hannah Berner wondered the same thing, who recently took to the streets to the streets to ask men the burning question: “What do women do that gives you the ick?”
Many of the responses Hannah got from men left her completely shocked – she stood there, at a loss for words, with nothing to do but burst into laughter or crack a joke to convey the madness of what she had just heard.
Language Turn-Offs
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The first thing that made Hannah surprised in the video was when a man on the street expressed his "ick" towards women who pepper their sentences with constant "uhs." According to him, hearing phrases like "Oh my God, uh, I'm so hungry, uh" is an instant turn-off because, in his words, "Those aren't words!"
Women's Chat-Sharing Habits
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Let's face it, whether women admit it or not, they have a tendency to screenshot (if not all) certain things their romantic partner says in chat and share them with their girlfriends to gather feedback.
One man seems to disapprove of this behavior, believing that it gives the impression of "talking to 17 people instead of talking to one person," and that it should be a private exchange between the couple. However, Hannah responded with a question that resonates well with women: "How is she supposed to come up with what she's going to say back?"
Phone Obsession
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Another man finds it incredibly off-putting when women are not fully present at the moment while they’re together. He expressed his discomfort with them constantly checking their phones or not paying attention to the conversation.
Hannah, aiming to playfully evoke the "ick" in this man, casually glances at her own phone, leaving no doubt that impressing this man is far from her mind.
Love Beyond the “Ick”
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A different man on the street shared a thought-provoking perspective, proving that experiencing the "ick" factor doesn't necessarily mean that a relationship is doomed to failure.
“One time this girl glued her eyelashes back into her eyes with my toothpaste,” he recounts, “and now I’m in love with her.”
Silence the Crunch
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"Chew loud. Don't do that," another man expresses.
While it's understandable that very loud chewing can be annoying, this man takes it to the extreme by not even allowing a woman to enjoy a crunchy snack in his presence. He boldly states, "Chips? Go eat them in another room."
Demanding Diners
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One man's biggest "ick" is when women make things difficult for waiters or servers, acting as if they have numerous stipulations and frequently sending items back. He humorously expresses that this behavior "makes him wanna die."
He goes to the extreme by saying that if a plate with gluten is brought to him and he's allergic to it, he’s "prepared to die."
Lack of Self-confidence
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It's not uncommon for women to underestimate their own looks to such a degree that it can actually give one man the "icks." This particular man would experience the "icks" when a woman doesn't recognize her true beauty and constantly puts herself down, saying things like, "Oh my God, I'm so ugly" or "I'm so fat."
In his eyes, such phrases only show her lack of self-confidence because he genuinely believes she’s beautiful, and he would express, "No, you're not, like, I'm here, babe, you won."
When Nature Calls
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"I don't like it when they go to the bathroom in front of me," admits one man on the street. "That's so gross, I hate that."
Taken aback by his strong reaction, Hannah sarcastically replies, "Yeah, just doing natural bodily functions is so horrible." However, he firmly asserts his point, saying, "Yeah, keep that away from me."
Good At Spelling
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"I hate women who love people that can spell because I can't spell," confesses a different man. "So if you love spelling, you don't love me."
One can only imagine that when this man meets a new woman, his first question would be, "How do you feel about grammar?"
Verbal and Physical Abuse
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Recently, a man who had the unfortunate experience of being yelled at and physically hit by a woman shared that these actions give him the "icks" the most.
Do you think that he did something wrong or cheat? Well, regardless of his actions, one thing is for sure: no man should ever have to endure being yelled at or physically hit by his woman, whether it's in front of the whole world or behind closed doors.
LGBTQ+ Men's "Ick" Factor
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From the perspective of an LGBTQ+ man, one of the worst things women can do is have a poor high-heel walk. He humorously asks, “Ladies, please learn how to walk in high heels, please.”
“That is the ickiest thing you can do for a gay man.”
Stay Silent
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Lastly, a man who seemingly prefers women to stay silent shared an unusual turn-off: "Ask questions." It’s possible that Hannah may have unintentionally given him the "ick" by asking him, "What do women do that gives you the ick?"
In A Nutshell
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And there you have it, a glimpse into the diverse range of turn-offs men can have when it comes to women. It's clear that not all men share the same preferences, with some having reasonable turn-offs and others having rather unusual ones. Let's remember to approach these differences without judgment.
As Hannah aptly remarked in the video caption, "But are men allowed to have icks?" Perhaps, according to some women, the answer would be a resounding "No!"
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