Among many features that attract people, only a handful has anything to do with your looks. Men are more likely to be impressed by good looks, but the initial physical attraction fades away the moment they feel there is not much else to offer.
Here are some of the most relevant, foolproof features that attract people and can help you in your love life, on your job, and in making new friendships.
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A genuine smile makes a person's eye sparkle. This smile (known as the Duchenne smile) is a scientifically proven way to make you appear more attractive and reliable. It shows one is comfortable and confident and wants to learn more about the other person.
Eye contact
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Firm eye contact is the most potent nonverbal way to get to know someone. It shows the other person you noticed them and you are dedicating your attention. Many researchers proved that during a conversation, one should hold eye contact between 50%–70% of the time.
Related: The Psychology Love Eye Trick
Being a good listener
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Active listeners are invested in the conversation, yet they are not quick to judge or give advice. Instead, they are genuinely interested in what the other person is saying. This is a highly ranked trait among many features that attract people.
Being in control over the emotions
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Knowing how to control your emotions sends a signal that you live in a drama-free world. By managing your emotions, you are showing people that emotions don't control you, making you appear more rational and trustworthy.
Having empathy
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Empathetic people are sensual, as they can understand others' emotions, share their feelings, and respond with compassion and care. Psychologists agree that empathy signifies a profoundly caring, good person.
Knowing how to laugh at yourself
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Knowing how to joke about yourself is magnetic. This trait attracts people as it shows them that a person can always see a brighter side and does not take everything to heart.
Oozing positive vibes
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Some people enter the room and steal glances. It is because they are full of positive energy, and it inspires, encourage people, and makes them more productive. This feature is recognized in people who are engaged in doing good, have optimistic self-talk, and believe in a positive outcome.
Related: How to Develop a Magnetic Personality Nobody Can Resist
Having conversational skills
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Some tend to overshare, while others do not want to share anything meaningful. A person who knows how to have a conversation is a good listener, knows how and when to ask questions, and can make others feel more relaxed, understood, and even important.
Related: How to Start a Conversation with a Guy Without Failing Horribly
Being confident
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Confidence represents a person's self-image and a healthy sense of self-worth. It is an excellent way to show others that one is not afraid to express their opinion, take charge when needed, and know when someone or something is worth their time.
Acting curious about others
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Curious people are more exciting and engaging. By expressing curiosity, you can make new friends, flirt, and get positive work feedback, as this feature attracts people regardless of circumstances.
Showing compassion
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A person showing their witty side attracts people, but knowing how to be compassionate takes things to another level. Compassion shows others that the person feels deeply for those in need and has the ability to be a shoulder to cry on.
Following through
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Following through shows that a person can depend on you. Committing to something and following through also shows a strong character, which men and women find to be a feature they cannot resist.
Having a sense of humor
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A sense of humor improves a person's mental and physical health and boosts one's attractiveness. Though some people are born with it, it is a life skill. Attitude changes can develop a sense of humor.
Taking care of yourself
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If a person knows how to take of themselves, it means they can take care of others, and they are aware of their worth. Both traits are highly attractive in a partner. Taking care of yourself includes exercising, having a balanced diet, and paying attention to your looks and overall health.
Being emotionally available but independent
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Emotionally independent people do not rely on others for happiness. They want to make others happy and to create strong bonds, but they are not clingy. All this is a highly attractive trait in romantic relationships, as well as friendships.
Embracing your quirkiness
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Quirks can make a person stand out. Embracing them shows a person is comfortable with themselves and is not afraid to show their true self to the world.
Having a sense of style
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Looking well-groomed and having a sense of what suits a person's figure can make a great first impression. If a person has a sense of style, regardless of labels or trends, it is always a plus, as it shows one's individuality.
Accepting yourself
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Though there is always room for improvement, a person accepting of where they are in life and having a general sense of where they want to go is quite attractive.
Voice pitch
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Women appear more attractive if they have higher-pitched voices. It suggests they are smaller, and men get to feel more masculine. For guys, a deeper voice is more desirable, according to the majority of women.
Knowing your attributes
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Men love seeing women accentuate their curves in small black or red dresses. Women are also not immune to physical attributes, and many want a guy who knows how to wear a suit as well as how to look well-polished during casual outings.
Showing good manners
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By showing good manners, a person sends a message of respect to those around them. It also signals that one is considerate of other people's feelings. Saying "please," and "thank you" costs nothing but speaks volumes about someone's character.
Having a Sense of Adventure
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People who are open to trying new things and taking risks are often seen as more exciting and attractive.
Being Kind
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Kindness is a highly valued trait that can make people feel good and attract them to you.
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Having goals and working hard to achieve them is a desirable trait that many people find attractive.
Having hobbies and being skilled at them
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The more challenging or unusual the skill, the more attractive it makes someone look. Being passionate about things outside your 9-5 job and dedicating time to what you love is highly attractive.
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