Retired Federal Judge J. Michael Luttig, admired by George H. W. Bush and testified in front of the January 6 committee, warned, again, that the US will "never recover" from Trump's presidency.
Election denial
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Judge Luttig and legal scholar Laurence Tribe made a case against Trump's re-election, citing the 14th Amendment Section 3. The legal experts concluded that "the Constitution prohibits Trump from ever being President again." Speaking to MSNBC, Luttig repeated, "The former president and his allies have continued to deny the 2020 presidential election for three years, maintaining that that election was stolen from the former president, notwithstanding that there is no evidence whatsoever of that, and that, indeed, President Joe Biden won that election fair and square."
The damage
Illustration. Image credit: Potashev Aleksandr /
The Judge added, "The Republicans, led by the former president, instigated a war on American democracy on January 6, 2021, and now, today, three years later, we know that they are determined to prosecute that war to its catastrophic end." The real catastrophe, per the former Judge is that "during those three years that effort led by the former president has laid waste to Americans’ confidence in their democracy and their elections, in their Constitution, and their rule of law."
The US will never be the same
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The legal scholar believes that the US will be the same, as he stated, "America will never recover from this assault on its democracy. Hopefully, with time and in the not-too-distant future, America will come to its senses and move on and beyond this tragic period in our history, but we will never recover as a nation from these past three years, nor will we ever be viewed in the same way by the world before January 6th."
The symbol of democracy
Image credit: gints.ivuskans via Depositphotos
Judge shared, "We were the beacon, if you will, of democracy around the world. No longer, I think, will that be the case." Luttig, one of the nation's leading conservative legal minds, also commented on a Colorado judge’s “historic” decision to keep Trump on the ballot despite ruling he was "engaged in an insurrection."
Luttig and Tribe called the ruling "incorrect"
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Tribe and Luttig were on MSNBC, and Tribe explained, "The whole rule of law would be shredded if we said that the president is above the law because his oath, because of its wording, exempts him from the most fundamental requirement of law: that when your term is up you leave. It's only dictators who stay as long." He added, "That's why the fate of the United States and democracies around the world is at stake in whether Donald Trump is allowed ever again to take the oath to support the constitution. He’s clearly not going to mean it. That's the scary part."
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