Weird people are often misunderstood and judged by others. They are often labeled as strange, odd, eccentric, or even crazy. They do this to anyone they consider to be not ordinary or those who aim to stand out or step away from a certain stereotype.
But what exactly makes someone weird? Is it their personality? Their appearance? Or maybe their behavior?
If you've been called weird at one time or another, you're probably wondering why it happened to you.
Related: Weird things everybody does but no one admits
Here are the top reasons why people might think you're weird.
Reasons Why People Might Think You're Weird
You don't look or dress like everyone else
One of the reasons why people might think you're weird could be that you don't look or dress like everyone else. Come to think of it, you're probably someone who is resistant to fashion and to trends. You don't like to be a part of the crowd of people who give up their comfort and individuality to belong.
You are a silent type
Another reason could be because you are a silent type. You don't like small talk because you find it boring. You don't enjoy talking too much because you are an introvert. When you speak, you tend to use short sentences. People may find this kind of behavior weird, and they wonder what your thoughts are about.
You have unusual interests
Another reason could be your interests that others don't understand. Perhaps you're very keen on robotics or ancient weapons. Or maybe you're particularly interested in magic. These pursuits of yours that are not mainstream make you an outsider. They think they can mock it and laugh at you for it, even when they also have secret passions that they hide just to be cool.
You are shy
Some people see others as weird if they are shy. Shyness makes people do awkward things when interacting with other people. It also causes them to avoid social situations. This, in turn, leads to feeling isolated from society. Some people would consider this as strange behavior.
You have an unique sense of humor
Or perhaps you have an odd or dark sense of humor. People who have lived through dark or tough times tend to develop dark humor as a coping mechanism. Other, more normal people will not be able to relate to this kind of odd humor. It makes them uncomfortable, which makes them want to lash out.
You don't follow social expectations
You probably don't adhere to social expectations of politeness. Perhaps you believe it isn't necessary to follow protocols that others find polite because you find them too restricting or hypocritical. After all, there are so many cultures all over the world. Why not mix things up a bit by employing all their social protocols?
You are not a believer
Maybe you don't believe what others do. If you're someone who doesn't believe in God in a room full of Catholics, you're probably going to be an outcast on the spot. Or perhaps you don't think much about established religions. This will make you weird in the eyes of these people.
You prefer to be alone
Another reason could be that you like to spend time alone. Most people are too afraid to be alone with their own thoughts. They want to drown their thoughts and feelings in music, movies, or company. Since they don't understand how you're comfortable with your own company, they call you weird.
You don't follow the crowd
Finally, it could be because you don't follow the status quo. Where people your age are concerned about getting married and having kids, you're out in the wilderness, doing a bit of traveling and camping on solid ground. Or perhaps you're living in a caravan with a bunch of strangers. Those who are programmed to live a certain way will find you weird, even if they're miserable in their ordinary lives.
Why Being Weird Is A Good Thing
Contrary to what society thinks, being weird can be a good thing. It makes a person extraordinary. This is the other side to being weird. Since you're different from the rest of the crowd, it makes you unique.
It also makes you memorable
It's only natural to remember those who stand out. Ordinary people who strive to be the same as everyone else don't stand out. They become the background to your life movie.
Weirdness makes you authentic
You are different, and you don't want to change just to suit other people. You have no intention of being the same as everyone else, even when they make fun of you.
It also makes you one of a kind
While being weird can be attributed to a relatively small number of people on the planet, no two weird people are the same. Everyone is as unique as their fingerprints.
Most historically weird people grew up to be great
Of course, they were called eccentric instead of weird when they became famous. Think Einstein, Picasso, or Edison. You could be the next great man- weird but great.
You can have your own tribe
While you are unique in your weirdness, you will inevitably find people who are also different. Not in the same way as you are, but different. You can create your own tribe out of these unique people. This will probably unleash your weirdness onto the world, but that can only be a good thing.
Your weirdness makes you free
You are free to live a life unaffected by society's opinions of you. You can do anything and be anything you want. All the nasty gossip in the world will not affect you.
You're also ahead of the curve
Everyone is, after all, unique. But only you were able to make your weird grow and prosper. Everyone else caved into societal pressure.
Final Thoughts
So don't curb your weirdness. It's not healthy. It will lead you to destroy your real self, your soul. Without this spark, you become like everyone else, only more zombified.
People have slowly come around about weirdness. Nowadays, most people think it's cool to be different. So lead the trend, and raise your weird flag. Be proud of your individuality. Be proud of being weird!
What Does It Mean When Someone Thinks You're Weird?
It means that they find you different from everyone else. You probably don't dress the same way as other people. Or perhaps you just don't care about the same things. This makes you weird in that person's eyes.
Why Am I Such A Weird Person?
It's because you're different. Everyone is born unique. However, as we grow old, society imposes restrictions and codes which aim to make us similar. You don't follow the restrictions and codes. You don't follow the trends. You dance to your own beat. It makes you such a weird person, in a good way.
What Does It Mean When You Are Weird?
It means that you're different. You stand out in a crown. You have a sense of individuality, and you are proud of it. You have no intention of being like everyone else.
Is It Bad To Be Called Weird?
No. Weird means different. Nowadays, people pride themselves on their uniqueness and sense of individuality. It's cool to be weird now. It makes you one of the popular kids.
I'd be offended if someone said I WASN'T weird. Why would I want to be a normie like 7.9 billion other surplus meat-puppets? If that sounds like I think I'm better than normies, wait till you hear about what the normies say about people like me!