Women who smoke have it pretty rough when it comes to their health. First they might start smoking under stress or just for fun but when it starts having a negative impact on their health, they want to quit it but are unable to do so due to the addiction.
Smoking has immense impact on women health hitting areas of:
- Lungs
- Fertility
- Mental health
- Cardiovascular health
- Digestive system
- Reproductive organs
With proper medical help, one can manage the physical symptoms of smoking. You can consult a doctor and get prescribed medicines from 90daymeds.com, so you can start your journey of quitting smoking. 90DayMeds offers affordable prescriptions, reliable, and is easy to use.
With that in mind, here are a few tips on how you can curb your smoking addiction and the craving for tobacco and nicotine.
Things to do before you quit smoking
To kickstart your journey of a smoking-free life, there are some things you can do to help ease the process:
- Make a game plan. In case you have tried quitting smoking before, assess what went wrong and what you can do now so the plan works well for you.
- Tell your friends and loved ones that you are trying to quit smoking. This way not only they will provide support but also you will feel a pressure not to smoke in their presence, thus reducing your chances of smoking a cigarette.
- Make an effort to throw out all your cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters in the garbage. Dispose off in an area where you know you won't be getting them back. This way your mind will be discouraged to never smoke again as you won’t be seeing the stuff around you in your home.
- Wash all your coats and clothes with a fragrant detergent so the smell of smoke is washed off from the clothes.
- Clean out your car as well, in case you used to smoke in your car.
- Buy fresh mint gums and put them in your office drawers and around the house so whenever you get a craving to smoke, you pop a bubblegum in your mouth immediately.
What you can do to not smoke again
Breaking the smoking habit is hard and once you have quit, there is a chance you can still bounce back. So the question is what you can do so you don’t smoke ever again. Here’s the answer:
- Decide firsthand that you want to quit finally and write down the reason why you should stop smoking. Write your reasons on a post-it and stick it to a place where you can see all the time. This will motivate you in times when you are craving for a smoke badly.
- Avoid places where people are already smoking.
- Avoid meeting friends who are smokers. Or else you will start smoking with them.
- Go to non-smoking places where you can enjoy yourself.
- Plan a reward for yourself for going smoke-free for months.
- Try to avoid alcohol as well. Alcohol makes the body crave for more substance and there are chances you might smoke when intoxicated.
Does quitting smoking make you gain weight?
There are reports that people who quit smoking gain weight rapidly. This is not an after-effect but the reality is that once you quit smoking, you will feel the urge to eat more.
Your digestive system that was being destroyed by tobacco and nicotine is getting back to normal so you feel more hungry. You can do the following steps to manage your weight:
- Drink little sips of water when you feel like eating more. Sometimes when the body is dehydrated, you feel hunger when it is actually thirst.
- Buy vegetables and fruits to munch on when you feel a sudden urge to smoke.
- Sugar makes the body crave for more addictive substances so buy sugar-free snacks as well.
- Keep yourself occupied. When you are busy your mind will not wander off to the idea of smoking.
- Drink delicious metabolism booster smoothies regularly
Is it okay to smoke a cigarette once in a while after quitting?
Okay now you have quit smoking and it’s been a while. You want to have a cigarette but you are afraid that you might start the addiction again. Well this may or may not affect your journey as it varies from person to person. It is okay to smoke once in a while but make sure you don’t make it a habit. Whenever you have a cigarette in your hand, think that is it worth the effort of going through the whole journey once again?
In the end it all comes down to you. What you want and what you CAN do for your own betterment. If smoking affects every aspect of your life, you might get the courage to go through the hard parts. But know that once you succeed in curbing this habit, your life will change for the better.
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