It is truly rare to find someone who genuinely connects with you in many ways. This is why a lot of people may wonder every now and then whether the person they are currently dating is a potential soulmate or not.
What is a soulmate?
Simply put, a soulmate is any person who shares a deep and genuine connection with you. The connection with this person is so great to the point that they accept both your features and flaws.
The significant impact your soulmate has in your life allows you to fare better in life.
What makes a soulmate connection so exceptional is its characteristic of enabling each other to become their best self, deeply rooted in the desire to give more than to receive in the relationship.
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Are soulmates real?
The idea of finding your soulmate is usually seen in most RomCom movies, and while some people may question its logic, soulmates can exist even in real life.
Since a soulmate is someone you are perfectly compatible with, soulmates are generally considered to really exist.
Call it fate or just pure statistical probability, but of the 7.9 billion people in the world, you are definitely bound to meet a few people who truly suit your character more than the others.
That being said, everyone can have a soulmate, especially since soulmates are not limited to romantic relationships only. There are several other types of soulmates, depending on the type of relationship you share with that specific person.
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Types of soulmates
Romantic Soulmates
People who are romantic soulmates never lose passion in the relationship. They both satisfy each other’s physical and emotional needs. However, leaving it to the flames of passion alone will not be sufficient for the relationship in the long run.
Successful romantic soulmates work on the relationship and genuinely commit to keeping the passion burning in the relationship.
Soul Partners
On the other hand, soul partners are usually associated with platonic friendships. Do you have a friend you haven’t seen for a long time but when you meet again, you effortlessly connect with each other?
When it comes to soul partners, time and separation do not significantly impact the depth of connection with each other.
So it doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen each other in years. When you meet again with your best friend, it’ll just feel like yesterday.
Karmic Partners
Karmic partners have less to do with romantic relationships and more with fulfilling each other’s purposes in life. A karmic partner can be someone you’re so in sync with in terms of skills and philosophies in life.
Companion Soulmates
Ever met someone who just perfectly fits your personality? Oftentimes, a companion soulmate is your best friend, the yin to your yang. This kind of relationship is genuinely wholesome and usually lasts a lifetime.
A companion soulmate accepts all your flaws and truly cares for you wholeheartedly. The type of relationship you share with them is one that celebrates every triumph and never abandons the other in their lowest.
Kindred Soulmates
A relationship with your kindred soulmates is a frictionless ride. Both of you usually agree on both small and big things in life, share the same humor and pet peeves, and healthily agree and disagree on different matters.
People who share this type of relationship with another person have found themselves a partner for keeps. At times when you and your partner may not see eye to eye, your partner will still choose to trust you with your decision.
Soul Contracts
Have you ever found yourself so deeply attracted to someone as if there’s something pulling you towards this person? Some say soul contracts are pre-assigned at birth after a person is reincarnated, and it usually lasts a lifetime.
A soul contract relationship can seem like that of a married couple who find a reason to stay together regardless of each other’s imperfections. Although, it is usually due to the deep attraction at play that pulls them together.
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Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate
Finding out if you have already found your soulmate or not can be confusing sometimes, especially since there is no particular age or life stage for finding your soulmate. It can happen at any place and even at the most unexpected of times.
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By now, you may be wondering if you have already met your soulmate and just missed it at the moment. This is a common possibility, especially since finding your soulmate in life can depend on one’s self-knowledge with a tinge of perfect timing.
Recognizing that a relationship is more than just for self-fulfillment is a significant start to opening yourself up to the possibility of finding your soulmate.
When wondering whether someone is a potential soulmate or not, ponder on how they positively affect your psychological and spiritual development.
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Of course, there are other more specific signs that you may have already found your soulmate, as listed below.
1. You can be yourself when you’re together
There’s no better indication that you are with the right person already than the general feeling of just naturally being yourself whenever the two of you are together.
This means that you feel genuinely accepted and comfortable with this person, thus allowing you to focus on self-development more than worrying about personal insecurities.
2. You are always one call away from each other
Making yourself available whenever your significant other needs your presence is a good sign that you two are perfect for each other.
3. You always want to be in each other’s company
Being each other’s soulmates, you tend to feel more longing to be in each other’s company. This can mostly be due to your unique spiritual and emotional connection with each other.
4. You challenge each other to go out of your comfort zones
As previously mentioned, a soulmate is someone who enables you to develop yourself emotionally and spiritually. This includes challenging each other to go beyond personal limitations.
5. You are each other’s best friends
Soulmate connections are similar to that of two best friends, be it from a platonic or romantic perspective. The two of you are just entirely comfortable with each other, and you share an implicit level of trust.
6. You give each other peace of mind
There is always calmness and tranquility in the relationship you share that frees you of any anxiety and doubts. You just generally feel safe and protected whenever you are with your soulmate.
7. You empathize with each other
A typical sign of a soulmate bond between two persons is an empathic connection with each other.
The two of you are just so perfectly aware of each other’s emotions, feelings, and thoughts and would always go the extra mile to make sure the other person feels like he or she is being cared for.
8. You treat each other with respect
Another indicator that you have found your soulmate, whether it be in a romantic relationship or others, is there is always a mutual respect for each other.
A soulmate is someone who shares the same level of respect for you as you do for him.
9. You have similar goals and values in life
Sharing a relationship with someone who has different goals and values in life can be too challenging to sustain in the long run. This is why, when you find
10. You both work hard for the relationship
You’ve found your soulmate if both of you are committed to making the relationship work. Moreover, there is no underlying feeling that one person is trying too hard or too little for the relationship.
Both of you are willing to make compromises for the relationship, and although it can take time and a lot of practice, the two of you always get back to work for the relationship again.
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11. You understand each other’s love languages
He or she recognizes your love language and communicates their love in the same way. If your love language is quality time, your partner makes sure to give you their undivided attention.
Meanwhile, if your love language is through acts of service, your partner would take time to do something for you, from something as simple as making your morning coffee every day to helping you out with work.
12. You feel a sense of security in the relationship
Even if it’s with your friend or a romantic partner, you know you have found your soulmate in life if you feel a sense of security in the relationship. You are confident that he or she will always be there for you and that you are not alone in your life struggles.
13. You feel it in your gut
You know you have found the one when you just feel it in your gut, and every cell in your body tells you that this person is your soulmate.
Whether you believe soulmates to be real or not, you may certainly get to meet one or two of your potential soulmates in your lifetime. It doesn’t necessarily have to be someone you are romantically involved with.
A soulmate can be a childhood best friend, a supportive parent, a colleague from work, and perhaps even a stranger you randomly met at the park. We can find soulmate connections in other types of relationships shared with other people.
You will know if it is a soulmate bond if that relationship shared with a specific person allows you to become a better and happier version of yourself.
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