You've been dating for months now. You're beginning to think about the future together- maybe marriage or kids.
You know that he has qualities that make him more than just a boyfriend to hang out with on Friday nights- but what if it turns out he's not the perfect match for you at all?
If you've been dating for a while and are wondering if he's the one, these signs will help you figure it out.
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10 signs he's the one
Here are 10 signs that your boyfriend could be "the one".
1. You share the same life values
The life values you and your partner have will determine how your relationship will be onwards. It would help if you had someone to see life in the same way and thrive to achieve almost similar life things.
Life values generally include the things that matter to you in terms of family, goals, spiritual, adventures, and so on.
For example, if you wish to get married and start a family with your partner, the person you are seeing should have the same goal. You cannot desire to have a family and date someone who does not want to have a family in the future. Your relationship will be two-way and will not work.
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Another life value that shows he is the one for you is your spiritual grounds. If both of you believe in sex after marriage, you will have an easy time cultivating your relationship since your spiritual; values are the same. You cannot date a man who does not believe in celibacy, and yet you want to wait until you are married.
Do you love to travel and adventurous activities? Someone who loves the same hobbies will be a perfect match for you since you get to do the things that both of you love without compromising.
2. You don't have to change yourself
A person who lets you be yourself even around him is your perfect match. In most cases, people tend to fake their lives or characters when dating to fit in with their partner's life. This may work for a short moment, but you will get tired of living a lie and show your true colors with time.
If your partner does not appreciate your character or the person you are, your relationship will not grow or be a happy one.
Are you a social butterfly? Do you post on Instagram every detail of your love life? Do you love to work out or go out every Friday with your friends? These are the nitty-gritty things that define you, and if you do them often, it shows they make you happy. Getting into a relationship with your partner should not stop you from living your life.
Your partner should know that you love going out every weekend, and he can join you or let you be. But, if he is an introvert who loves his life being kept private and does not go out as he prefers staying indoors, you will always find yourselves arguing all the time.
A person who will love working out with you, going out on the weekends, and enjoys you tagging him on every post you update on your social media will be a good match as you both enjoy the same things.
3. Ability to manage and solve conflicts
Every relationship has its ups and downs. So, even if you love each other and enjoy each other's company, it does not mean that you will not encounter conflicts in your relationship. Research shows that a regular and genuine couple will find themselves fighting once in a while. However, the deal is in how you resolve your conflicts.
You need a man who is willing to sit down, talk and solve the problems causing the conflict. The right man should admit when he is wrong and even apologize for it and vice versa.
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If he is the type of man who packs his thing and leaves before you talk things out, ghosts you for a while, or ignores your calls and messages, this is a red flag that you are not compatible.
Besides a man who is willing to sit down and talk over the things that are leading you to misunderstandings shows, he is serious about you and willing to work on your relationship.
4. He treats you right
This is a natural feeling that you will have even without being told by anyone. If a man is the right one for you, you will feel it by treating you. The number one treatment that you should look out for from your partner is if he is kind to you.
A kind person makes you feel valued, meaningful and loved by them. Kindness is a general treatment we give to people around us, but it is interpreted differently in a relationship.
Ask yourself:
- How does your man react to your wrongdoings?
- Does he give you time to express yourself?
- Does he listen to you when you are undergoing some personal problem?
- Does he help you when you need assistance, and does he understand you?
If the answer is yes to all these questions, then your man is kind to you.
A man who is kind of you will not haul insults to you when you are in the wrong! Instead, he will ask you calmly and wait for your answer as to why you did what you did.
He should also have a heart of forgiving and be willing to let go. He should offer you a shoulder to lean on when experiencing some personal problems without judging or harshly criticizing you.
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If you ask for his input on a particular issue, he should give his opinion in a manner that builds you and not shows you know anything about what you ask for. All these kinds of gestures work magic in building a solid relationship, and if your man does them, then it shows he is the right one for you.
5. He supports you
If your man offers you physical and emotional support in everything that you do, know he loves you and values you being in his life. You can use this to gauge if a man truly loves you unconditionally or is just riding with you to waste time.
If he is willing to leave what he is doing to see you, he cares for you if you call him for help. If you call him to rant about how bad your day has been in the office, and he listens tentatively, it shows that he is keen about what goes on in your life and willing to offer his support.
If you plan to open a business and need a little push, maybe financially or ideally, and he offers either, well know that that man unconditionally loves the support and will do anything to see you thrive and achieve your goals. Only a man who sees a future with you and wants you in his life can offer all his support in whatever you do.
6. He understands and respects your boundaries
Apart from your relationship, a man who loves you will understand that you both have another life with friends, colleagues, and family. He should know your boundaries and respect them.
For example, a good man will allow you to go out with your friends, and he will not keep on calling you to spy on what you are doing.
He respects and trusts you and believers in your love. Yes, jealous will always rise sometimes in your relationship, but he should not act as he owns you, and your life should revolve around him.
7. You have excellent communication
There are various aspects that build up a relationship, and one of them is communication.
Is your man the type of guy with whom you can sit for long hours and talk and still enjoy the conversations you have?
Then know that your relationship, even after marriage and having kids, will be strong and healthy.
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A partner that you can sit with and have a healthy conversation with is a win since it shows that you both have a friendship that connects you two. Love may fade along the way as you get old, but as long as you have a great friendship, well, your relationship will be able to withstand times of trials.
8. He works to better himself
As mentioned earlier, a healthy relationship should not revolve around you two. You need to grow as an individual and work on your goals as well. So, if a man can maintain a healthy relationship with you and still work on his life goals, he is for sure a man worth marrying.
It shows that he will be able to balance your marriage, family, and work when you finally get married. Also, a man who has his own goals and is winning in life will not be threatened by your success. He will do anything to uplift you and ensure you have the support you need to achieve your goals.
9. You are in his plan
Another straightforward sign that shows the man is really into you and is the one for you is how he plans his future. If a man plans to achieve specific goals shortly, and one of them is to marry you and start a family with you, he is the one.
Men are pretty particular when making plans and will always be straightforward on what they want to achieve. So, if a man loves you and sees a future with you, he will always tell you about it and express his desire to be with you.
10. He trusts you with his secrets
Men are pretty secretive and choosy on whom to share their most vulnerable moments with. So, if he is comfortable opening up to you and telling you what is going on in his life, it shows that he truly trusts you, and you are his confidant. He is comfortable with you, such that opening up to you makes him feel better.
It is all about how he treats you, relates with you, and behaves either around or away from you. All these will enable you to figure out if the man is the right one or not.
Remember, men have varying personalities. So, you need to understand your man first before making a judgment. Otherwise, the above tips will guide you to determine if your man is the one or you need to drop him and find your soul mate.
So many conditions for the guy and so many run-on sentences.