Like every other girl, you probably also dream of finding the right guy and wonder how to find a boyfriend. Someone who can take care of you and love you the way you deserve. Someone who can understand you and get you, like a real soulmate.
If so, you should know that a guy like that will hardly come knocking on your door anytime soon. You have to come out of your shell soon and get out of your house. Yes, you have to do something, and unless you want to try online dating, you can't do it in your pajamas.
So, how can you get a cute boyfriend? Here are my best tips and ways on how to find a boyfriend fast.
Know What You Like
Before you can do anything, you have to figure out exactly what you like and what you're looking for in a boyfriend. Don't stick with the "tall, dark, and handsome" trope either. Try a little harder and think about the qualities you'd like in a boyfriend, such as attitude, behavior, personality, etc. Perhaps you can write it down and make a list if you must. This way, you'll know what to look for and what to avoid in a guy. Knowing what you desire can help you manifest a boyfriend.
Be Happy - Alone
Finding a boyfriend is not a cure for loneliness. Sure, a bit of companionship never hurt anyone. However, if you expect your boyfriend to make you happy every day for the rest of your life, that's a trifle unrealistic. If you do this, no matter how handsome and kind and wonderful your boyfriend is, you'll never truly be happy. The only way to happiness is by loving yourself first. The happiness and love your boyfriend will add to the equation is just in addition to what you already have for yourself.
Looks Aren't Everything
While it's true that no one falls in love with your personality at first sight, it's still very important, especially if you're looking for love. Looks and physical attraction are necessary, sure. But if you go for the scorching hot guy who goes to the gym and does nothing else, that's probably not going to last.
You need someone who is more than handsome. He also has to care about you and laugh with you. He has to be moral, kind, and upstanding, too.
Be Patient
Finding a boyfriend doesn't just happen straight away. It's not like instant noodles. You have to be patient. Try not to jump in with both feet with the first guy who shows interest, even when you know that he's probably not the one for you. Don't think about settling either. The right guy will come along, and when he does, you can't be taken. Otherwise, you'll miss your chance.
Be Personable
While we need to be wary of strangers, especially in these times, you should know that being personable wouldn't hurt while you're being careful. So if you can start a conversation with this cute guy you always see in the coffee shop you also frequent, then go ahead and do so. It's a pretty public place. You should be okay. People have generally allowed their phones to do all the social interaction for them. It would be nice if you met your future boyfriend in person instead of using a dating app.
Join A Club
Clubs and groups exist so you can meet people with similar interests. So if you want your boyfriend to share your interest in hiking, you should join a hiking club. It's an excellent way to meet new people and to gain new friends. Who knows? You'll probably meet your future boyfriend in one. If you don't, still, it's an excellent way to gain friends and contacts. It'll widen your social circle while getting you to do something you enjoy. That's a win-win situation right there.
Go Out With Your Friends
While it's important to be alone every now and again, you shouldn't make your alone time an excuse to dodge out of invitations to party with your friends. Going out with your friends is an excellent way to unwind. It's also an excellent way of meeting new people. Well, you'll probably meet more new people if you get drinks at a rooftop bar than in a rowdy club, but hey. Remember that you're there to enjoy some time with your friends. If you meet someone, that's just an excellent side benefit.
Ask Your Friends For A Setup
If it's unsolicited, you'll probably get annoyed, but getting set up by your friends is actually a pretty good way of finding a boyfriend. Your friends know about you. They also have a pretty good idea of what you like in guys. So the next time you get set up or asked to go on a double date with a potential suitor, just go with it. Your friends know you, and they won't let you go out with someone unsafe or unsavory. You should trust their judgment. Anyway, if it doesn't work, you can just let it go and forget about it.
Travel Alone
Traveling alone helps big-time if you want to go on a little soul-searching trip. It's an excellent way to reconcile yourself to being happy on your own. It is also a good way to meet new people and strike up random conversations with other travelers. If you're in a group, you won't feel the inclination to be personable to other people. But if you're alone, you'll eventually want someone to talk to, and in much the same way, other people will want to chat with you, too. Who knows, you'll probably find your dream guy on your next solo trip.
Volunteer For Organizations You Support
If you want someone who has the same compassionate heart as you do, you should try volunteering for organizations you support or for causes you feel very strongly about. It's a good way to help out, as well as to meet other people who feel the same way you do about certain things.
Enjoy Your City
Whether you live in a big or small city, it will have something to offer you. It could range from any event, like an art gallery opening, to a festival. Whatever it is, you should probably take the time to go, not only to meet new people but to know the city where you're digging your roots, as well. You can also strike up a conversation with someone who caught your eye along the way. It's a good way to get a boyfriend fast.
Join Singles Meetup
Singles meetups are groups that connect singles with each other. These groups aren't solely for romantic purposes either. If you just want single friends to hang out with or go on a trip with, this is your answer. This is an excellent group to be a member of, especially if most of your friends are already married and have kids. It's also a good way to meet other single people.
Related: Single by choice meaning
Slide Into Your Crush's Dm
Since you're not a monk, you probably have a crush or two that you routinely check out on Instagram. If so, you should just stop thinking about DMing them and just do it. Who knows what'll happen? Sliding into someone's DMs is a good way to know them and start talking to them on social media. Plus, you don't have anything to lose. Just make sure you don't see any wife or girlfriend. Otherwise, it would just become messy.
Related: Should I follow the guy I like on Instagram
Sign Up For Dating Apps
If personal connection is out and you want to grab dating by its horns, then prioritize it by signing up for dating apps, or perhaps find a cute guy on Instagram. It's not for everyone, but it does work. It's an easy way to meet single people who are also looking for love. However, it is important to only go for the dating apps you feel are a good fit for you and what you're looking for.
Go On A Speed Date
Speed dating is a fun and safe way of meeting people and perhaps even your future boyfriend. It's like swiping left or right on Tinder, only this is in real life. This is a popular and fun event, so if you hear one being organized in your area, you should go for it.
Flirt Like A Pro
Flirting can be scary, especially to more introverted than extroverted people. However, it is also one of the safest ways to let someone know that you're interested in them. You can do this in person, over text, and even on social media. If you want, you can practice first to brush up on your flirting skills over text first. Once you're ready and know how to shoot your shot, come out of your shell in person and start by maintaining eye contact, smiling more, and making cheeky comments.
Believe In Love
Don't lose hope. Keep on believing that you will find the right guy for you. At the same time, try not to put too much pressure on yourself either. Try to enjoy your life in the meantime, and take pleasure in your own company. Be happy with yourself and with your family and friends. The most beautiful relationships come when we least expect them. Here is an article about how to stop looking for love but still find it. Your love will come at the right time. You just need to keep the faith and don't give up on love.
Be Realistic
Don't look for Tom Cruise or Chris Hemsworth in your dates or potential suitors, but also make sure to stop attracting loser men. If you want to find a great boyfriend, the best thing to do would be to have realistic expectations and achievable goals. Also, try not to look at men's wallets and bank accounts. You're looking for a loving boyfriend, not a sugar daddy.
Don't Be In Any Hurry
Remember that you're looking for a boyfriend, not a baby daddy. So try not to be in too much hurry. Don't drive away potential boyfriends with all your talks of babies and cute baby names. Babies are a huge responsibility. Most guys like to avoid them as much as possible until they're ready.
Don't Talk About Your Ex
When you do get a date with a potential boyfriend, don't blow it by talking about your past relationships or partners. No matter how you go about doing it, the guy will not want to hear it. If you praise your ex too much, he'll probably think you're not over him yet, or he won't feel like he can measure up. If you trash talk your ex, he will think you'll talk about him that way in a couple of months.
Manner Makes A Date Successful
Behave on your first date. First impressions last a lifetime. So try not to make any embarrassing errors such as applying lipstick at the dinner table, being late, answering calls in the middle of a conversation, calling for the check, etc. Be sensitive and civilized. Otherwise, you're looking at a one-time date or a hookup.
Give Him A Challenge
Men like a challenge that triggers their hero instinct. Sure, let him know that you're interested, but try not to make things too easy for him. Instead, let him help you in a subtle way. Don't build your social life around him, and don't be too available. Go out with your friends if you must. Also, give him space to breathe. This way, he won't feel like you're in a hurry or trying to pressure him in any way. Make it clear that he's a welcome addition to your life, but he's not your whole life.
Don't Rush Into The Bed
If you want someone for the long term, wait before getting too intimate. Take your time, in any case. Don't commit your entire body to him before you even talk about going exclusive. Ideally, try to make it after your talk about going steady. That way, you can be reasonably certain that he's acting more on love than on lust.
Be A Girl
Guys usually like feminine girls, not girls who act like men. While you are a happy and confident high-value girl, try not to be too aggressive when you're out on a date. Don't debate with him about the wine order or about splitting the check. You're on a date, after all, not a boxing ring. Don't compromise your ideals. Just don't be overly bullheaded for anything.
Be Flexible
Try not to be threatened by change. Instead, be flexible and compromise when you can. If he cancels because of work, don't be angry. Work is a priority, after all. Of course, he should make it up to you, but there is no need to expect him to not have a life outside of yourself and what's brewing between the two of you.
How Can I Get A Boyfriend Fast?
If you want to get a boyfriend as fast as possible, you can use dating apps or ask people to set you up with guys they know who could be a good fit for you. Before you do, though, you should ask yourself why you are in so much hurry to get a boyfriend. Is it because you want to pay your ex back, or something like that? It's always a good idea to slow down when you're in a hurry. So, enjoy your life and your alone time first, and don't rush into anything. The right person will come in his own time.
How Can I Find A Good Boyfriend?
You can find a good boyfriend by being kind, personable, and friendly. Good boyfriends often like girls who are the same way. Essentially, if you want to attract a good boyfriend to you, you should give off good girlfriend vibes too. So be kind, generous, and friendly to everyone. Even to people whom others think are not worth your time.
How To Find A Boyfriend Online
If you want to find a boyfriend online, you should give off happy vibes on your social media. You can do this as well on your dating profiles (if you have dating apps). The best way to attract people is to be happy. If you give off desperate vibes, guys will want to stay away from you, and they probably have a good reason. So be happy for real, and show off your confident good vibes on your online profiles.
How To Find A Boyfriend If You Are Shy
Finding a boyfriend if you're shy can be challenging. While some boys are attracted to shy girls, they're few and far in between. Also, a lot of people often interpret shyness as aloofness, which could be problematic. Since most guys like confident girls, the best thing to do would be to try and overcome the worst of your shyness. This doesn't mean that you have to be confident all the time. It only means that you need to inject a certain amount of confidence in yourself- just enough to appear confident. You can start by making eye contact when you're talking to someone.
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