Most tall girls get a little too self-conscious by the fact that they can look at their crush at eye level. Some even get to look down on other guys. While this doesn't really count as a problem for most men, many guys still get intimidated by girls who tower over them.
The latter kind of a guy feels a little inferior whenever this happens. Not only does a tall girl give off major boss vibes, but the guys also don't like to feel like they're cowering behind someone taller. It makes them feel weak and little when they're supposed to be the protectors.
However, dating is all about individual choices. Not all men feel inferior when they encounter a tall girl. In fact, some guys even enjoy it.
So if you're wondering whether or not you have a dry spell because of your height, you need to wonder no more. If you read on, you will understand most guys' preferences when it comes to height.
Why Tall Girls Are Attractive
If you haven't noticed, most extremely gorgeous and out-of-this-world beautiful models are tall. They are, quite simply, attractive in an insane and unfair kind of way. They look like God's gift to mankind. In addition, they also exude confidence in a way that makes strong men flock to their sides. These tall girls are the IT girls, and most of them are seen as out-of-most-men's-league.
But are these kinds of girls attractive to men? Absolutely. Most people get pulled in by beauty and confidence. These tall girls have both. Tall guys especially prefer tall girls. This is not only because they find them ethereal. It's practical.
Tall guys find it easier to be in a relationship with tall girls because they won't need to stoop or bend down for hugs, kisses, and hand-holding.
But it's not just tall guys who like tall girls. There are also strong guys who couldn't care less about stereotypes. These guys also don't get intimidated by taller girls. Simply put, they don't care about being the dominating force in a relationship. They care about partnership instead. They also rarely, if ever, look at a girl's height when considering her as a partner.
Instead, they look at her other attributes such as her charm, kindness, beauty, energy, and confidence. Of course, there's also the fact that they won't need to get some stuff from the higher shelves for tall ladies. Not to mention the fact that they won't have to kneel to be at eye level with her. It's a win-win situation. In fact, it's the perfect solution!
Why Short Girls Are Attractive
Short girls are especially attractive to guys who are self-conscious about their heights. They won't willingly put themselves into the position of being inferior in a relationship by dating a tall girl. These guys probably believe that the taller person in a relationship is also the more dominant.
Since they adhere to a socially acceptable code of masculinity, they won't allow a woman to make them feel weak and inferior in a relationship.
Men also have this thing we call the "Hero instinct". They like to protect and take care of their women. Of course, they don't want to cede to the fact that most women can take care of themselves just fine. These guys like to feel needed. Not to mention the ego boost they get for dating a shorter girl.
In short, shorter girls are attractive to men who are concerned about height differences and how it affects the dynamics of a relationship. These men believe that they can control and protect shorter girls better. Since this is the supposed natural order of things, it makes everything simple and as it should be. These guys probably grew up in such an environment where the men always had the upper hand.
Is Height Even A Driving Force In Choosing A Potential Partner?
Not really. Or at least, not to most people. It all comes down to choice and to individual preference. Sure, first impressions almost always last longer than necessary, but they shouldn't become a hindrance to a potential relationship. If you're a tall girl who got rejected by a guy because of your height- or more specifically because you're taller than he is- then it's not your fault he's short-sighted.
The dating scene is not for people who are short-sighted. If a guy is serious about finding a potential girlfriend or life partner, he shouldn't let his height prejudice hold him back. There's so much more to a person than their height. There's also their heart, their minds, and their personality. Not to mention their vigor, love of life, passion, dreams, and strength.
People who are easily cowed by a girl's height will probably not get the happiness they want. Not because of their prejudice alone, but because they are letting their bias rule their decisions and, indeed, their lives. So if you're a tall girl who has gotten rejected too many times because of the way you're not vertically challenged, then perhaps it's time to change your perspective.
Final Words
In any case, only people who care too much about others' perceptions or are insecure let a girl's height deter them from going for her. Most strong guys who are secure in their masculinity don't let size bother them. Instead, they look beyond not just your height but your beauty as well to get to your real worth. If a guy can do this with you, then he is fortunate indeed.
So, tall girl, keep your chin up and try not to worry about your height and all the bad jokes that come with it. Don't slouch either. Don't make other people's opinions of you the driving force in your life. Instead, focus on your own growth and improvement.
The right guy who's looking for the right girl should come along anytime soon, and he won't be looking at your height when he comes- he will be looking into your heart.
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