Going on a date the second time can be stressful and frustrating if you constantly worry about what to say next.
You want to give your date a good impression, and asking interesting questions is one way to do that.
Related: Third date questions
Are you worried you might run out of questions on your second date? We got you!
Here you will find more than enough ideas and questions to ask on your second date to keep the conversation flowing.

Topics for Conversation on a Second Date
- Tell the other person how great they looked the first time you met.
- Talk about the place or activity you are about to do on your second date. For example, if the two of you decide to go to a restaurant, you can talk about what kind of food each of you would enjoy.
- Use the moment to catch up with each other's lives since the last time you went on a date.
- Based on what the other person said on the first date, you can ask support questions about their interests and hobbies.
- If you feel it's not too personal for the other person, you can ask about his family or friends. This is a good conversation topic that most people can relate to, and it will also give you an idea about how your data is when it comes to talking about family and friends.
- Ask about possible shared interests. It can be reading self-help books, going to the gym, or watching a television show.
- Another good conversation starter is asking your date about a travel plan they want to accomplish in the future or a bucket list of new things they want to try.
- If you feel there is a high chance of you two going on a third date, you can ask which place would each of you love to go to.
Related: First date questions to ask a guy
Interesting Questions for a Second Date
Use these questions as a starting point and rephrase them according to your own style.
- How have you been since our first date?
- I remember you talking about doing this thing you're interested in. Do you plan to do it anytime soon?
- Is there anything surprising about me back when we had our first date?
- Going back to how our first date went, what things did you genuinely enjoy, and which do you think could have been done better?
- How has your work been since our first date?
- What was your impression of me after we went on our first date?
- Have you told anyone else about our first date?
- What's the first thing you did as soon as you got home after our first date?
- After getting to know me on our first date, did I meet or exceed your expectations?
- In your own opinion, what are our similarities and differences?
- How do you picture yourself to be after five years?
- Do you think there are desirable aspects of my character?
- Did the thought of going on a second date with me worry you?
- In your opinion, what is the most significant aspect of a relationship?
- On a scale of 1-10, one being the lowest and ten being the highest, how well do you think I would get along with your friends?
- What is the most interesting fact about me that you can't get over?
- What are your thoughts about kissing on the second date?
- Have you ever been on a terrible date?
- At what point in the dating period do you usually consider committing to a more serious relationship?
- What is something you can talk to me about non-stop?
- Do you have any allergies?
- What is the list of things you want to do? What have you accomplished on the list already?
- Have you ever gone on a date with your friend's ex? What was it like?
- What are your dreams that seem so impossible to achieve?
- What is your idea of a perfect third date?
- Do you belong to any friendship group? What is this friendship group like, and what are the things you all love to do together?
- What is the latest Netflix show you can't get enough of since we last went out on a date?
- Do you plan to travel somewhere at some point this year? Where would you go?
- Given your line of work, how does your week typically go?
- How do you usually spend your weekend?
- Is there a place you want to go to on a vacation or holiday? What is it?
- Honestly speaking, how would you describe our first date?
- Was the idea of going on a second date something you intended to have even before the first date started, or was it only after the first date ended that you knew you wanted to go on a second date?
- Are you an outgoing person or an introverted person?
- Do you think it is possible to still stay friends with your ex?
- Is there anything about me that you are interested to know about?
- Have you ever been ghosted before? What was it like?
- Have you ever ghosted someone before? Why did you do it?
- Are you planning on going on a third date after this?
- Do you drive to work, or do you use public transport?
- What are your present work goals?
- How would you like me to send you the third date?
- When was the last time you were in a serious relationship?
- What was your last relationship like?
- What is something you won't tolerate in any relationship?
- Do you consider yourself to be close to your family?
- Did you immediately think we would click the first time we met?
- Who are your best friends, and how would you describe them?
- What was your age when you started dating?
- What is your impression of dating? Is it enjoyable, or is it intimidating?
- How are things at work going?
- Would you consider yourself a religious person?
- What is one thing about your life that you are most thankful for?
- Do you like eating sushi?
- Are you a nature lover?
- Do you drink alcoholic beverages? What are your thoughts about it?
- Is working out a part of your usual routine?
- Are you open to being in an open or casual relationship?
- How often do you catch up with friends or do social activities?
- What are your thoughts about making your relationship status public on Facebook? Do you think it is only official once it is posted on Facebook?
- What would you consider your worst habits?
- What would you consider your best habits?
- Are you the type of person who enjoys going shopping?
- What are you most proud of in life?
- What would it be if given a chance to make a rule that all people in the world would have to follow?
- What is your most embarrassing moment so far?
- What is the funniest situation so far?
- What is one thing you are insecure about?
- Is there any part of you that you desire to change?
- What is something you excel at?
- What scares you the most in life?
- Who did you look up to while you were growing up?
- What is something you are passionate about?
- What is your idea of a perfect summer vacation?
- What place do you typically spend your summer vacation? Where did you last go to?
- Are you the type of person who enjoys random road trips?
- Are you someone who enjoys spending off-time abroad, or do you prefer having a relaxing vacation closer to home?
- Can you tell me about your previous dating experiences?
- What are your thoughts about environmentally-friendly activities like recycling and public transport?
- What are your thoughts about displaying romantic affection in public?
- Do you plan to have kids in the future?
- Did you ever marry or get engaged to someone? What happened?
- What are your thoughts about veganism?
- Have you told anyone about our date today?
- What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?
- When was the last time you watched a movie, and what was it?
- Which artist do you love to listen to?
- What are your thoughts about going to festivals?
- What are your thoughts about going on a museum date?
- Would you enjoy going on a surprise trip?
- Do you catch up with your friends frequently?
- How do you usually catch up with your friends?
- Do you have pets? What are they?
- How would you describe your childhood days?
- Who is the closest person to you in the family?
- What is the most memorable experience you had in life?
- What are your hidden talents?
- Would you consider yourself someone who communicates concerns well?
- Is your current job the type of job you have always wanted?
- Do you see yourself being famous? What do you want yourself to be famous for?
- Who would you wish to revive and have dinner with among the famous dead people?
- Do you love to sing while in the shower?
- What are your thoughts about receiving gifts? Do you prefer to receive an expensive gift or a simple but thoughtful one?
- Have you ever been in an accident that resulted in broken bones?
- What competitions have you won?
- What was your school experience like?
- Would you ever want to study again? What would you want to learn this time around?
- What's the top Disney film of all time, in your opinion?
- Are you fond of using social media platforms? Which do you use most of the time?
- What dating apps do you use/ have you used?
- What are your thoughts about marriage?
- Do you keep in touch with your friends from high school?
- Five years from now, where do you see yourself living?
- Do you prefer to live in a city or the countryside?
- What type of foods are you fond of eating?
- Do you prefer to eat out in restaurants, or do you prefer to eat home-cooked meals?
- Would you consider yourself a spiritual person?
- In your opinion, when is the proper time to kiss each other?
- Would you consider dating someone who has opposing political beliefs to you?
- Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship?
- Would you consider yourself to be highly affectionate of your significant other?
- What is it about nature that you love most?
- What items would you take with you if you were to spend a few days on a deserted island?
- Do you imagine yourself living in another country?
- Does your current work excite you?
- Are you the type of person to participate in marathons?
- Do you have arachnophobia? (fear of spiders)
- Which ice cream flavor do you love the most?
- Have you ever traveled to a European country?
- Which do you prefer eating more? Sweet foods or salty foods?
- Did you excel as a student when you were in school?
- Have you ever experienced rejection from someone you liked?
- Did you come from a small or a huge family?
- Do you consider yourself close to your family?
- What is your favorite song?
- Who among your friends do you identify with the most?
- Do you watch a lot of horror movies?
- When was the last time you cried your heart out? What was it about?
- Do you have weird fetishes?
- Do you have an ultimate celebrity crush?
- Do you have a favorite sport? What is it?
- Are you into playing sports?
- Have you ever won a sports tournament?
- Would you rather spend a day watching Netflix or spend a day by the beach?
- Are you fond of having long walks or hiking mountains?
- Have you ever done mountain climbing?
- Do you think you would ever try to jump out of a plane?
- Do you play any extreme sports?
- Do you believe in psychic readings? What does your latest psychic reading say?
- Do you still remember your dreams when you wake up?
- Do you have any planned ideas for a fun second date?
- Have you ever walked in your sleep?
- What would be your best year so far if you were to choose?
- What was your first heartbreak?
- What is your fondest childhood memory?
- In your opinion, what is the worst and best pizza flavor?
- Do you practice meditation?
- What's one activity of the day you never skip?
- Do you own a lot of clothes?
- Did you ever develop an infatuation with a teacher?
- Did you have a childhood sweetheart?
- Do you cook? What's your favorite recipe to make?
- Do you love doing Do It Yourself (DIY) activities?
- Would you describe yourself as a tidy person?
- What's one TV show you cannot live without?
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