Celebrating your anniversary in a long distance relationship is tricky. Luckily, with the help of technology and some originality, you can be miles apart and still feel like you are close together.
A great long-distance anniversary will demand more planning in advance, and it might not turn out the way you wanted it to, but it can still be just as fun!
Besides, remember that the good thing about long-distance relationships is that you can be less conventional in your approach and let your creativity shine—since LDRs are non-conventional anyway.
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Long distance relationship anniversary ideas
Here are eight long-distance anniversary ideas that will make the miles disappear.
1. Have a virtual dinner
Food has always been known to be the way to someone's heart; if you want to stay on the more traditional side, a dinner date could be exactly what you need, but with a twist: it's all virtual. Make yourself a nice meal, light up some candles and create a romantic mood. Then, once the time for your planned meeting comes, turn on Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or any other means of communication and enjoy the dinner just as if you were physically together.
2. Surprise them with a care package
A care package is a kit with their favorite things, be it snacks, a book, or a piece of jewelry they've been eyeing but never bought. You can add anything you'd like to it, and that can make for a delightful and personalized surprise on your anniversary that shows you care and know them well. Plus, some companies are willing to do the shipping in your stead, which is easier and often cheaper than doing it yourself.
3. Netflix Party and chill
Ah, the classic Netflix & chill. If you're both dying to watch a film, consider a distant film date. Grab some snacks, plop yourself down on the couch, fire up FaceTime—so you can see each other's reactions and thoughts about the film—and boom, now you have a perfect night! Just remember to hit play at the same time.
4. Send a handwritten letter
Texts and online messages have become the norm nowadays, but nothing beats an affectionate, handwritten love letter to make your day better. This might require planning days and sometimes even months—depending on the postal service of the country you intend to send your letter to—in advance, but it is sure to make your partner swoon. In the letter, write down what you love about them, your fondest memories together, thoughts that cross your mind whenever you think about them.
5. Send "Open when" letters
If you want to write a letter but want to spice it up a little, "open when" letters are a great alternative. It's very simple: write multiple notes that you will seal away in separate envelopes. Then, label each one accordingly, such as "Open when you want a laugh", or "Open when you miss me". Your significant other will have to open them at the right moment, and that can last for a long time. It's a fantastic way to make your anniversary a special one and brighten your partner's days.
6. Make a surprise video message
Maybe you don't quite like writing but still want to send your significant other a heartfelt message—you could try recording a video for them. You can say anything you have in mind, and they'll be able to see your face, hear your voice, and always come back to it when they want to remember that anniversary you put so much thought into.
7. Organize a game night
Maybe you and your significant other like to bond over games? Luckily for you, being apart doesn't have to stop you from having fun. You could even call some friends and have a big game night, and most importantly, a blast. Although it will be virtual, you can still play classics such as Cards Against Humanity, Boggle, or Yahtzee. If you have more time on your hands, a round of Dungeons and Dragons could be just what you need to celebrate a memorable anniversary.
8. Quiz books for couples
Maybe you like quizzing and challenging each other? Quiz books are perfect for this—you can find some on the internet specifically tailored to couples and even long-distance relationships, with questions such as "Where did we have our first kiss?" You can also make your own questions and answers, so you can get to know each other better through this fun game!
More LDR anniversary ideas
- Draw a picture of what you want to do when you see each other again
- Watch the sunset together from two different locations
- Write down all the reasons why you love them and read it to each other every day until your anniversary
- Order them their favorite food or drink that they can enjoy while reminiscing about old memories together
- Share a song or playlist on Spotify that reminds you of them (and vice versa)
- Compile photos into an album together so they'll have something nice to look through while they're apart
- Send a flirty text in the morning of your anniversary to start the day off right
- Plan an adventure together, like hiking or going on a road trip
- Create an online scavenger hunt where they have to find clues and solve puzzles in order to get the final prize of your choice
- Remember why you fell in love with each other in the first place
- Find a new place that you can explore together on Google maps
- Take sexy pictures and send them to each other via email, then set up a video call so that you can see each other's reactions
- Send a naughty text message to your partner
- Send them pictures of yourself in different outfits so they can pick their favorite outfit for you to wear when you see them next
- Write your own erotic story about what you would do if you were there right now with your partner
- Play a game together - strip poker is always fun ;-)
- Get matching tattoos of each others initials or something meaningful to both of you
With these LDR anniversary tips, enough planning, and intent, you can make any anniversary a memorable one, even if you are at the other end of the globe!
Your long distance relationship doesn't have to be limited to boring video calls, and some originality is always welcome to make the celebration a heart-warming moment.
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