A lot of people are interested in how to control men and it's not a surprise.
But can you really control a man? If yes, how can you control him?
Bending a man to your will is difficult enough but not impossible.
All the more so if he knows what you're trying to do. It may also seem a tad manipulative.
To ease your conscience, here are some scientific facts that will make you understand why controlling your guy is important:
- Men's loyalty depends on their interest in you.
- Men rarely want something easy to get.
- 90% of men are held hostage by their need for physical pleasure.
- If you stop looking good, they will look for someone more attractive.
- Men like attention.
- Men hate to be controlled.
This is why you have to control them, and at the same time, you have to be subtle about it.
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The following tips will help you control your man without him knowing about it.
Understand Your Man
Don't be like other girls who like to control people that they don't even bother trying to understand. Understanding your man completely can save you a lot of trouble down the road. Keep a mental list of his likes and dislikes.
While you're doing this, make sure you don't let him know that you're keeping his profile in your head. Also, try not to change his mind about his choices. Understand how he feels about certain things and his reactions and mentality.
It would also be helpful if you were a good texter. Texting is one of the few starting steps in dating. Try to attract him by figuring out what he likes. Make him dependent on you by making him look forward to your texts every single night.
Extra tip: learn how to trigger a man's hero instinct. It's an easy way to control guys.
Don't Be A Control Freak
No one wants to be controlled. Everyone is all about freedom these days. If you act like a terrorist who wants to police all his likes, dislikes, friends, and even his opinions, he will most likely cheat on you. Or if not, he will probably get tired of your ways and leave you.
So don't tell him what to think or do. Instead, guide him to what you want his decision to be, carefully. Make him feel how much better things would be if only he did this or that. Just don't rob them of their free will. Guide them, yes, but let them decide on their own.
You can do this by compromising on the little things with him so that he will feel good about letting you have your way next. This way, you can gently guide them towards your goal instead of pushing them. If you don't want resistance, don't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do. Just convince him that your way is better.
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Make Sure That He Feels In Control
If you want to control your man, make him feel like he has control over the situation. It would be best to make him feel like you are only trying to help get some of the burdens off his shoulders. You can also try letting him have his way in small ways so that you get to decide on the big things.
For example, you can tell him it's okay for him to control the channels every time you guys watch TV (you rarely watch it anyway). This will make him so grateful that you'll have no trouble convincing him to convert one of the spare rooms into your office/personal space. This way, you won't be disturbed every time he watches a game at full volume.
By making him feel like you're helping, he will be dependent on you little by little until he wants you to handle things your way. Never insist, and never fight for your opinion. If he disagrees, explain to him logically how he's making the wrong decision. If he insists, let it be.
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Punish Him For His Mistakes
This doesn't mean that you need to beat him bloody until he's unconscious. It only means that you need to teach him that he has to respect your opinion or just respect you, in general. You can also do this to let him know that what he did was wrong and that just apologizing won't cut it this time.
It's very easy to come up with punishments without getting violent. For one, since men are easily controlled by their need for physical pleasures, you can use physical lures (or the lack thereof) to control them. Tell him you're tired or that you're not in the mood. He should catch on quickly.
If he does something bad or negative, withdraw all the available physical pleasures on the table. If he asks why give him a hint. Just make sure not to pester him. Don't be too confrontational. Try to avoid getting him into a corner. Men don't react well to pressure.
Compare Him To Others
Men are naturally competitive creatures. If you compare him with other guys, he will most likely want to do whatever you want, solely for the purpose of being seen as 'better'. He will probably outdo himself and several other people, trying to be the best among the rest.
When you're comparing him with other men, try not to be too harsh. Make it casual-like instead. Remember that your goal is to get his competitive streak up and running. You're not out to destroy his self-esteem. So do it in a fun and easy tone. This makes it easier for him to realize that you're teasing him.
Give Him Compliments
Men don't normally get half as many compliments as women do. So make sure to give him praise to flatter him. You can start by making him feel masculine. Tell him about how much you like his steady strength. You can also tell him that his presence alone makes you feel safe.
Related: How to compliment a guy on his looks
Or perhaps you can tell him that he looks formidable in his beard. Of course, you should use other compliments that flatter his masculinity. If you do this, he will develop his self-esteem and self-confidence around you, which will only make you want him more.
He will probably feel good every time he's around you because of this conditioning. Just make sure to look sincere whenever you give him a compliment. Don't force yourself. If you do, it will only result in problems. You like the guy already. Just show him a clue about how much.
If you want to text him, make sure that whatever you put in will make him smile. This is another type of conditioning. You should know him enough by now to understand him and his humor. Make sure you have control over your text, as well as the rest of your conversation.
Listen To Him
Indeed, most men rarely want to talk about themselves or their feelings. This is why when your man does this, you should listen to what he has to say. Try to empathize as well. If you're someone who listens and understands where he's coming from, that will make you a great girl in his eyes.
Even if he talks about something he experienced in third grade or this thing that happened to him in the cafe, make sure to listen attentively. Remember that you're trying to learn as much as you can about him, too. Pay attention, or at least look like you are, by making appropriate eye contact, nodding in all the right places, and asking questions.
Let him talk without interruption, and listen to him without judgment. This will make both of you form a deeper, special connection that will be very difficult to break.
Surprise Him
Don't be the kind of girl who waits for her man to bring her gifts and shower her with trinkets. If you want him to do that, shouldn't you also reciprocate by surprising him with small gifts?
It doesn't have to be all the time. You can do this every now and then- just to keep things lively, as well as give him some small pleasures. It doesn't even need to be a great, expensive gift. You can make it a little one if you want.
For example, most guys would really appreciate a watch from their girlfriends. It doesn't have to be the most expensive one you can find. Just something within reasonable bounds. You can have it engraved at the back with something like your initials. It will mean the world to him.
Learn How To Cook
According to several people, 'the best way into a man's heart is through his stomach'. This is very true. In fact, it's true not only for men but also for women. Everyone loves good food.
So brush up on your saute and enhance your cooking skill. You don't have to be the next Gordon Ramsey or anyone on that level. Just practice. Even knowing that you're making an effort to cook him good food will go a long way. Start by mastering one dish that he loves and go from there.
Give Him Space
Men don't like tight spaces. They also don't react very well to pressure. So be sure to give him a lot of time and space to be on his own. Don't regulate his life or try to impose a routine on him. Leave him to be himself every now and then. This will give him time to reflect on how important you are in his life.
Aside from making him miss you, this strategy will also make him feel like he's in control. You can even use this time to have your own space too. Remember that even though you're sharing your lives, you also need to feed your individuality. A little space never hurts anyone. It's actually an excellent way to improve a relationship.
How Do You Mentally Control A Man?
You can mentally control a man by making him think that he is in control. This way, you can pull the strings from behind him while he rests easily on the fact that he is the absolute master in your relationship. You can do this by understanding everything about him and making use of that knowledge to get him to do things your way.
How Do You Control A Man?
You can control a man by understanding him completely, showing him that you are not trying to control him, and making him think that he is controlling you and the situation and your relationship. You can also punish him for his mistakes by withdrawing his opportunities for physical pleasure and complimenting him randomly.
How Do I Stay On His Mind?
Stay on his mind by doing things that will get him reminded of you. You can start by being a great listener, a good friend, and a great girlfriend. Shower him with your precious attention and subtly let him know that you're already the best there is and that he'll never get it as good as this, ever.
How Can I Control My Lover?
You can control your lover by making him feel that he is the one in control of your relationship. Listen to him, understand him, compliment him, give him gifts, etc. Do all these and compromise on some of the small things. This way, he will probably let you have your way on the big decisions. You can even subtly and casually compare him to other guys to get his competitive nature to come out and play.
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