Due to various reasons, you can’t always be by a loved one’s side in times of need. Sometimes, you may be geographically far from them, and it seems impossible to let them know you care without the usual comforting gestures like patting someone on the back or offering them a warm embrace.
Nowadays, showing care for our loved ones has become easier even if we are miles apart. With the technology today, you can send warm greetings, catch up with each other’s life happenings, and even console someone via text message.
Calling or sending someone a message to make them feel your love despite being thousands of miles away can be such a hassle sometimes, especially if you have no idea how to comfort someone through a text.
It might impossible to show your concern via text since it has communication barriers and limitations. But, with the right words, your love can still send through even if you are at a distance.

Ways to Comfort Someone If You’re Apart
Talk to them
Although this is mainly an article about comforting loved ones through text messages, the number one tip you can do to comfort someone even if you are miles apart is to call them. Text messages can’t fully convey emotions and sometimes leave room for interpretation errors.
If it is possible, calling them is always the better option because nothing can replace hearing the actual voice of the other person, especially in moments of loneliness. Hearing each other's voices offers extra comfort despite the distance.
Let them know you still think of them by sending them text messages
Although you may be limited in a geographical sense, you can still let them feel how much you care about them by sending a thoughtful text message. This is a convenient option because you can quickly come up with a message in just a few minutes.
In sending text messages to comfort a friend or a family member, make sure that you communicate your words clearly to avoid any misunderstanding.
Express yourself as authentically as you can
Sometimes, when trying to comfort someone, picking out words to sugar-coat the situation or how a person feels is a common mistake. This should be avoided at all times as it can leave the impression that your words of sincerity are just in autopilot mode. Aim to come up with
Refrain from talking about you
Comforting others through hardship means that you listen to them. As much as possible, refrain from making the conversation about you and try to let them tell their story and share their feelings.
The only time you can talk about yourself is if they ask, and even then, you have to consider whether what you’re going to tell would be necessary for your friend to hear.
Do not romanticize the situation
Never invalidate whatever your friend is going through by romanticizing the situation because that is the last thing your friend would want to hear. If your friend is dealing with a loss of a loved one, do not say the loved one has gone to a better place.
Although you mean well, it might come off as insincere and that you don’t know about your friend's pain.
Make them feel understood
If you were in your friend’s shoes, you would want a friend who understands how difficult it can be to deal with sorrow. Comfort your friend by letting them feel that they are being genuinely understood.
You can say you understand how your friend must feel if you have personally experienced the situation in the past. Even if you have not, you can still offer words of comfort by telling them that you can’t even begin to imagine what your friend is feeling right now.
Genuinely express your sympathies
A simple way of comforting a friend is by offering words of condolences. In expressing your sympathies, make it straight to the point and simple. Do not excessively use flowery words to refrain from sounding insincere.
If appropriate, try to crack a joke to lighten up the mood
If you are sure that it will lighten up the mood of your friend, you can choose to tell a joke through text, voice message, or gifs and memes. You can also include emojis in your messages but make sure that these properly communicate what you are trying to say.
Ask how you can help them
You may be miles away, but there are still plenty of ways you can offer your support to a friend in need. Let your friend know that you are always there to help. Asking how you can help them is one less thing that they have to worry about.
Be one phone call away
Comforting a friend does not end in simply sending them your message of sympathy. Your sincerity is proven once you follow up with your text message.
Depending on which is feasible at the moment, you can follow up your message by visiting your friend at a convenient time.
Text Messages to offer Condolences
I’m one call away if you need me.
Despite being miles away from your friend, sending this kind of text message will comfort them in times of loss, knowing that friends are just one call away. You can also back this message up by sending a bouquet to your mourning friend.
I regret not being there beside you at the moment.
Just because you weren’t able to be by your friend’s side during moments of sorrow doesn’t mean that you don’t care anymore. Let your friend know that it pains you to not be there and be a shoulder to cry on.
Never forget that I always think of you.
Mourning over a loss of a loved one can take time to process, and while you may already have sent your words of condolences to your friend, you can still send comforting messages even after a few weeks or months. Tell your friend that you are always there worrying for him/ her and that he/ she is not alone in sorrow.
Your family is fortunate to have you as their rock in times of sorrow.
Death in the family is never easy to cope with, and your friend may be the person holding the family together in this time of grief. Let your friend know that he/ she is doing a great job being someone his/her family can depend on.
I may not be there, but you can always count on me if you need anything.
Even if you are miles away, you can still offer comfort to your mourning friend by letting him/ her know that he/ she can always ask you for anything. A helping hand from a friend may not instantly heal them from their emotional wounds, but it is sure to give them comfort knowing that they are not alone in their woes.
Text Messages to Comfort Someone in Sickness
Days are not fun without you, so get back to us as soon as you can.
Sick days keep us away from friends and loved ones, and it feels like days are not the same without them. It is always comforting to receive a message from friends and family saying they miss you and that you should recover to full health soon.
I salute you for doing the best you can. Feel free to ask me anything you need.
You can also offer a sense of comfort to a friend in sickness by letting them know that they are always welcome to ask for your help if need be. In particular, friends who live alone would be delighted to hear that their friend has their back even in times of sickness.
You’ve been through worse situations than this. I know you can find your way through this.
People who experience physical illnesses are not just struggling physically, there is also the mental battle that they have to undergo through.
You can never truly grasp how difficult it must be for your friend to be in the situation he/ she is in now, which is why the best thing you can offer are words of encouragement and affirmation that like their other hurdles in life, you are confident that your friend will eventually find his/ her way through this.
As much as I miss hanging out with you, it’s nice to not have to compete with you when out looking for cute boys/ girls.
You can also say that you dearly miss your friend by telling a joke like the one above. If you feel like it does not sound too insensitive, you can let your friend know that he/ she is missing out on things and that he/she should recover to full health soon.
You are always in my prayers, and I commend your resilience in this time of hardship.
If both you and your friend come from a religious background, letting him/ her know that he/she is always in your prayers and that you wish for their speedy recovery is also a good way of comforting them in times of sickness. You can also tell your friend that you admire their strength amidst their illness.
Text Messages for Broken Hearted People
You are thousands of miles away from your friend who just got out of a breakup, and as much as you want to give them a comforting hug, you just physically can’t. Don't fret because you can send a text message instead!
Here are some examples:
I know it’s all too painful right now, but it always gets better in time.
If your friend had just gotten out of a long-term relationship, expect that it will take an emotional toll on him/ her. You can let them know you care by telling them that while it may all be too painful at the moment, the pain will fade through time.
Enough sulking. Let’s do something fun and reckless.
If you know that your friend would cringe upon hearing sincere words of affirmation, then you can choose to be direct to the point and distract them from the pain of a recent breakup.
Feel free to vent out to me. I won’t hold anything against you.
Your friend who has just ended a relationship may be holding in a lot of unwanted emotions, especially if the breakup was sudden and unexpected. In this kind of situation, you can comfort your friend by letting him or her know that you don’t mind listening to their suppressed feelings and rants. Make them feel that those unwanted feelings are valid and that your friend has every right to mourn after a relationship breakup.
Okay, so he dumped you. Now, what are you going to do about it?
Sometimes, a friend who just came from a breakup needs a reminder in a straight-to-the-point manner. However, you have to ensure that sending this message is appropriate to their personality and will not cause any misinterpretation.
By asking your friend this, you are not demanding that they move on. You're merely wondering what they intend to do from then on now that their relationship has ended? If taken positively, saying this may give them a perspective about processing unwanted emotions.
Do you want to hear a joke right now?
Like any other heartache, giving them a few good laughs to distract them from their pain is also a way to comfort someone over text. You can either send something downright cringe or text some classic joke that is sure to crack a smile on their face once they see your message.
Sending this kind of message to someone who just came from a breakup is appropriate, especially if that someone prefers not dwelling too much on sadness and pain.
Text Messages to Console Someone through hardships
Hey, I just heard you lost your job. If you need to express all your frustrations, I’ll be all ears.
If that person just got fired from work, the best message you can send to comfort them is to assure them that they have someone they can vent out all their frustrations to.
It is just one loss. You’ve accomplished bigger things in life than this.
While you should not invalidate whatever a person is going through, you can still give them words of affirmation by telling them that their worth isn't defined by one failure.
Don’t let anyone invalidate how you are feeling right now. The best way out of any pain is through it.
No matter how unbearable your friend’s pain may be, you gently remind them that the only way past the pain is by experiencing it. It will surely be a dreadful process but reassure them that they are never alone in their hardships.
Would it make you feel better if we made things even? I can always turn a blind eye to a friend.
If you feel like it's appropriate, cracking a joke is also a way to give someone a sense of comfort despite going through hard times. You can go for the statement above, or choose one that you know will surely make your friend laugh a little.
Remember not to go too overboard as you want to avoid making them feel like you are making a joke of their pain.
You’re doing an excellent job handling this. Anybody else would have just self-destructed already.
Words of comfort can also come in the form of directly commending someone for doing the best they can despite the hardships. If you choose to send this kind of message, make sure you refrain from sounding too complimenting and insincere, as it may appear like you are being sarcastic about your friend’s situation.
Sending hilarious memes and videos
Sometimes, words can’t be enough to express our care for someone, and we struggle to find the right words to give comfort to others. This is especially so for friends who are not too verbally expressive of their emotions.
Instead of sending text messages, a funny meme or video is also a good idea to cheer someone up in a subtle way. Although, like cracking a joke, be careful and always consider the appropriateness of a meme to the situation because you don’t want to appear like an insensitive person.
Final Words
Cheering friends up even though you may be physically away from each other is made easier with the existence of sending text messages through electronic communication.
People dismiss the value of text messages, but for people going through hard times, a simple text message letting them know you care can make their day.
When comforting a friend through a text message, one of the things to remember is to see to it that your sincerity and concern are evident in your words. Depending on your friendship with this person, you can either crack a joke, offer words of affirmation, or be straight to the point.
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