How well do you know people that are closest to you? Find out how well you know each other using these brilliant how well you know me questions!
We bring you the best, quirkiest and funniest how well do you know me questions to test your relationship with your lover, friend, or family member.
The rules are simple:
Pick a question (the best would be to pick it randomly). Both you and the other party write down the answer and then compare it.
Did your partner get it right?
Related: The 6 female personality types
This is a fun way to spend an evening with friends or a romantic partner. You’ll discover new things about each other, all while having fun.
Here are the questions that will spice up the game!

Top 20 How Well Do You Know Me Questions
1. What do I like to do when I’m alone?
2. What is the first thing I do in the morning?
3. If I were going to eat the same food every single day for a week? What would that be?
4. What are the things I do not share with others?
5. Out of any country in the world, which one would I want to visit right now?
6. If I could meet one historical figure, who would it be?
7. What name would I give to my first child?
8. What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to me?
9. Am I a cookie, ice cream, or cake person?
10. How do I show if I love someone?
11. Do I right now care more for money or passion?
12. What is my opinion on life after death?
13. What’s one thing I really love about myself?
14. Do I prefer tea or coffee?
15. What era would I choose to live in if I could?
16. How do I feel about pineapple on pizza?
17. What time do I go to bed?
18. Do I think men and women can be just friends?
19. If I could choose to eat any cuisine of food, what would I choose?
20. If my life was a film, who would play me?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Couples
1. What is that one thing about me that only you know?
2. What is the biggest relationship deal breaker for me?
3. If home is where the heart is, where do I call HOME?
4. What do I admire most about you?
5. Would I ever consider fostering a child?
6. If I could have any superpower, what would I choose?
7. What do I find hilarious but most people don’t find funny?
8. If I could be fluent in another language, what would I pick?
9. What do I love most about our relationship?
10. How many kids do I want?
11. What’s one of my biggest insecurities?
12. When I’m feeling down, what’s one thing that can easily make me feel better?
13. What’s one thing that I don’t want people to know about me?
14. If I got a tattoo, what/where would it be?
15. Would I want to go into a residential home when I’m older?
16. Do I want to be buried or cremated when I die?
17. What’s my favorite time of day?
18. What was the worst fight we had till now?
19. If I could bring one loved one back to life for one day, who would I choose?
20. What would my dream house look like?
21. If I could change one thing from my past, what would it be?
22. Which parts of my body have birthmarks?
23. How old was I when I had my first kiss?
24. Do I prefer calling someone over the phone or texting?
25. Do I prefer the mother or father’s side of the family?
26. Which movie always makes me cry?
27. Do I dislike any of your habits? Which one?
28. What are my thoughts on open relationships?
30. What’s my favorite memory of the two of us?
31. How can you tell when I am having a bad day?
32. If I was in a lifelong coma and had no chance of recovery, would I want to be kept alive?
33. If I could board a plane for a random vacation destination, where would I go?
34. If I won a million dollars in the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing I would buy?
35. What is the most tell-tale sign that I am upset?
36. What did I first notice when we met for the first time?
37. Tell me three things I love about you and three things you would punch yourself for!
38. What opinions do I hold that go against the usual way of thinking?
39. How many people have I dated before you?
40. What achievement am I most proud of?
Here are more questions for couples, 2nd date questions, and 3rd date questions.
How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Friends
1. What are the best and worst dates I've ever gone on?
2. Which fashion decision was my biggest mistake?
3. If I could be any character from a show or book, who would I be?
4. Who was my biggest crush when we were younger?
5. What was the hobby that I loved growing up?
6. What was my last post on social media?
7. Did I ever have my heart broken? If so, who was responsible for that?
8. Would I rather date a stupid or ugly person?
9. Would I ever go on a blind date?
10. Do I like meeting new people?
11. Have I ever kissed anyone of the same gender romantically?
12. Who do I get along with better? My mom or my dad?
13. Did I ever cheat on a partner?
14. Following the rules or breaking the rules?
15. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
16. How long did my first relationship last?
17. What am I most self-conscious about?
18. What’s the worst job I ever had?
19. What do I have a hard time with, but most people find quite easy?
20. Do I like my life to be simple or luxurious?
21. Who was the last person I was in a relationship with?
22. Do I like the place where I live right now?
23. Do I want to see my high school classmates again?
24. Would I rather have a lot of money and not talk to my family or be poor but be close to my family?
25. Am I more like my mother or my father?
26. Would I rather visit European countries first or Asian countries?
27. Do I generally trust people?
28. If I had to pick my five favorite friends, who would I pick?
29. Do I let my hair air dry, or do I use a blow dryer?
30. Do I get my work done quickly, or am I a procrastinator?
Related: Flirty questions to ask a guy
How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Family
1. What’s my favorite thing about our family?
2. Which of my parents did I think was stricter?
3. Who is the person that I looked up to the most growing up?
4. Did I ever get in trouble with the police when I was growing up? What did I do?
5. What trendy thing did I wear as a teenager that I want no one to know about now?
6. What was the very first job I had? How long did I have that job?
7. What’s the one food I despise eating?
8. What is my least favorite household chore?
9. During high school and college, how many boyfriends and/or girlfriends did I have?
10. Growing up, who was my biggest celebrity crush?
11. What is my favorite childhood memory?
12. What was the strangest thing I did as a child?
13. Growing up, who was my best friend? Who did I want to spend the most time with?
14. Did I ever have an imaginary friend as a child?
15. Have I ever drank so much that I blacked out?
16. Of all our family, who has a personality that is similar to mine?
17. Who is my least favorite family member?
18. If I had to share a bedroom with one family member, who would I choose?
19. Do I have any scars, and do you know how I got them?
20. What is something I don’t like about my childhood?
21. What is the worst food I've ever eaten, and who cooked it?
22. What do I usually eat for breakfast?
23. If I went to Hogwarts, which house would I be sorted into?
24. What do I think is the biggest challenge our family has faced?
25. What’s my favorite season of the year?
26. If you were going to make me a burrito, what toppings would you put on it?
27. What’s the best job I ever had?
28. What household chores do I struggle with?
29. Something that I always wanted when I was a child but never had?
30. How would I describe my family to a stranger?
Final Words
These smart, provoking, and exciting "how well do you know me" questions may reveal secrets, and it will be so much fun! Are you ready?
Also read: First date questions to ask a man
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