Dreams can be disturbing sometimes, especially when they're so vivid and realistic. It can even hurt our feelings and make us cry.
When you dream about your boyfriend cheating on you, for example, it will naturally make you a little suspicious and hurt. You may even give him the cold shoulder the next morning, just because he dared to cheat on you in your dreams.
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If this happens a lot, there's probably a reason for it. It could be something you're feeling on your end, which your subconscious somehow communicated to you through your dreams. It could also be because of something totally unrelated and random. The dreams you keep having are only regurgitating scenarios that your mind came up with while you were asleep.
There are so many possible reasons why you keep having dreams of your boyfriend cheating on you. Here are a few of them.
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You're Afraid He Will Cheat On You
Fear can sometimes make us say and do things that we don't normally do. It can also make us think about things subconsciously, which our rational minds then try to crush. But it doesn't go away.
If you keep dreaming about him cheating on you, it is probably because you're afraid that he will cheat on you in the future. This insecurity could be borne out of nothing at all. Or maybe, you think so little of yourself that you believe your boyfriend will eventually find someone "better".
If this is a recurring dream, try to think about why you believe this to be the case. After all, it is not healthy to be in a relationship with someone whom you believe will want out a couple of months down the road. It's counterproductive, as well as unhealthy.
If you can, talk it out with your partner. Once you resolve whatever issue you think you have, you will probably have fewer dreams about your theoretically cheating boyfriend.
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You've Been Cheated On Before
If you keep having dreams about your boyfriend cheating on you, it's probably because you've been cheated on before. Being cheated on leaves a mark. It might not seem like much to some, but the trauma it causes leaves you with the fear of abandonment.
It hurts to be betrayed, and it leaves you with enough anxiety to not want to try again. When you muster enough courage to enter into a new relationship, your crippling anxiety will seek another outlet- your dreams.
It could also be that your boyfriend has cheated on you before. Once your trust is broken, it is very hard to rebuild it. No matter how much you try to make it work, the past will surely insist on being given a seat at your table. You will keep having dreams of your cheating boyfriend.
If this is the case, it is probably better all-around to talk it out with your partner. Let him know your fears. If it doesn't work, it might be best to consult a therapist.
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He Has 'Something' Else At The Moment
Dreams are weird. Sometimes, it shows you pictures of your feelings. So when you feel as if your boyfriend is not paying attention to you anymore, you will probably keep dreaming about him cheating on you.
He's not cheating in real life. However, there may be a third party in your relationship. This third party could be a friend, a dog, his job, parents, or other things and people who come between you or absorb his attention.
If this is the case, you're probably feeling abandoned or rejected. However, this is easily remedied by a conversation. Try not to be aggressive and accusatory when you talk, though. Remember that he's done nothing wrong. He's simply busy.
You Feel Betrayed
Cheating is one form of betrayal. So if you feel any sort of betrayal, it will probably manifest itself by giving you dreams about your boyfriend's cheating.
This doesn't mean that he's cheating, though. It just means that you feel cheated and betrayed when he cheated you out of the fight you've been meaning to have with him by working late. It could also be because you feel cheated out of the respect you deserve from him when he didn't even bother letting you know he was going to be late.
Any of these scenarios could be the reason for your weird cheating dreams. Sometimes, even the little things can be blown out of proportion by your subconscious. Especially if you're an overthinker.
You Don't Trust Each Other
Perhaps your returning dreams of him cheating are metaphors for your real life. Our subconscious is sometimes sneaky that way. If, in real life, you don't trust your boyfriend to not cheat on you, or just in general, then you will probably have dreams about it as well.
Cheating is a betrayal of trust. So if you have trust issues, it only follows that your inner self will want you to know about it so that you won't become too much of a victim. Perhaps you don't feel you can trust him to have your back, and maybe he feels the same.
If you don't trust each other, you probably have a good reason for it. It may be better to fix yourselves first before you try for a relationship.
You Suspect That He's Cheating
If you keep having dreams about your boyfriend cheating on you, it may be because you believe it to be true. Maybe it's paranoia, but usually, it turns out to be true when a woman begins to suspect cheating. Ladies have a sense for these things.
There are several signs you can clearly see if he's cheating. You're probably not spending as much quality time as you used to. However, it is also very easy to ignore these signs in favor of the relationship, especially if you really love him. However, it's a lot tougher to suppress your thoughts and emotions when you're asleep.
If you have recurring dreams of your boyfriend's infidelity, communicate with your partner. Talk to him, and lay it all out. That is the only way you can stop the dreams from coming on again.
Why Do I Keep Having Dreams About Being Cheated On?
If you keep having dreams about being cheated on, you probably feel very insecure and inferior. You don't feel very secure about your relationship. Or perhaps you don't think you deserve a happy ever after, and that's why you keep thinking that your relationship has a shelf life.
Why Do I Keep Dreaming Of My Boyfriend Cheating?
This is probably because you don't feel very confident and secure about your relationship. Maybe you have bad experiences, or perhaps he has a previous cheating grievance.
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Boyfriend With Another Girl?
This could mean that you feel like his affection and feelings towards you are slowly dying down. Your dream is probably a reflection of your underlying fear. You're probably having troubles, fights, and difficulties, and your dreams show you these.
Why Do I Keep Dreaming My Boyfriend Is Cheating On Me With The Same Girl?
It is probably because you don't feel particularly secure in your relationship. Maybe you have underlying issues or baggage of your own. It could also be because he has a history of cheating, which makes you a lot gun-shy. If you know the girl from your dream, then you might be jealous of her.
Spiritual Meaning Of Dreams About Boyfriend Cheating
The spiritual meaning of your dreams about your boyfriend cheating includes your insecurities in the relationship, as well as your feelings of betrayal. It could be caused by your boyfriend. It could also be that you're the one feeling restless or that you are now into someone else.
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