Fun Fact: Most guys would rather date someone hot and dull rather than go out with an unattractive but intelligent woman. While this visual isn't true for all men, it is nonetheless applicable to most.
Men are visual creatures. They put a lot of weight on physical and sexual attractions, and it doesn't take much to get their attention. Looks almost always have something to do with most of their decisions. But why? Why are guys so shallow?
Let's read on and find out.
Guys Are Visual Creatures
Generally speaking, guys tend to like someone when they like what they see of that someone. This means that the packaging is as important as the package itself for them. Whatever it is they see on the surface contributes to the whole of their decision or perception.
So if they are made to choose between an attractive woman who is intelligent, and kind, and another homely woman who is also intelligent and kind, he will not hesitate in his decision. Sure, the latter could have a lot more going for her, but he won't want to know about them anymore. He's already made up his mind based on what he saw.
Attractive Women Turn Them On
Personality is important, but it's not the most urgent thing a guy sees in a woman. Let's face it- looks turn them on, even when they don't want it to. Once they get aroused, there's hardly ever a way to get them to calm down enough to think rationally.
So they go after the attractive woman. If they get lucky, they can blow off some steam, as well as satisfy themselves. While men are walking, thinking beings, they also have urges that are very hard to turn away from. Women have the same urges, but somehow, they just don't seem all that immediate.
They Are Attracted To Confidence
Most men like confident women. In fact, they prefer women who know their own effect and appeal over those who are shy and introverted. There's something about the way these women walk and talk that takes over their senses.
The only problem is that not many unattractive women can pull off the confidence that men find appealing. Mostly the beautiful ones develop this level of confidence. The shy ones usually just go about feeling insecure about their looks.
It's Not Just The Men
While men get a monopoly for stupid decisions whenever a beautiful lady is involved, it doesn't preclude the fact that they aren't the only ones affected by this affliction.
Most people like beautiful things- even the ones who are suspicious of anything that glitters. Some women also tend to drift towards the more attractive men. They just hide it better than the men. They also are not that overt about this behavior.
In short, men are more honest about their basic desires. This is why they seem too shallow to us. It is because they are, and they're not shy about showing it.
- 50 things men say and what they actually mean
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