So there's this guy that you like. Maybe it's the first time you met, or maybe you've known each other for a while now, but you never got to know him that well. You realized it would be such a waste if you just let this guy pass, so you took the liberty of making the first move; you gave him your number. So what now?
You can know if giving him your number is a wise move depending on his response (or if he doesn't respond at all). But first, let's see what it would actually mean from a guy's perspective if you gave him your number.
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What giving a guy your number means from his perspective
Giving a guy your number can send mixed messages. Commonly, giving your number to a guy means that you like him and want the two of you to get to know each other more. This can also be understood as a sign that you want him to ask you out on a date.
On the other hand, by giving a guy your number, the guy can also assume that you just have a habit of giving out your number to random guys, which may give him the wrong impression of you. If he's someone who likes making the first move, then giving him your number might have been a wrong move after all.
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Subtle ways to give a guy your number without him asking for it
Being confident enough to give a guy your number seems easier in the movies than in real life. But with that being said, you have to be creative when it comes to giving a guy your number. If you're stuck searching for the best way to make the first move, here are some ways you can subtly give him your number.
Related: How to give a guy your number
If the two of you have known each other for a while, you can do it in different ways. Now, these can seem a bit too devious, so the choice is up to you.
1. Use his phone to call your 'lost' phone.
One way to do it is doing the classic "pretend you lost your phone and must use his phone to call it". If you don't want to go through the struggle of directly giving him your number, this way is best for you. Since he already has your number on his phone, he will try to send a message or call if he's interested in you. That is after you tell him that you eventually found your phone.
You can also tell him that your phone isn't working and you have to use his phone to call it to make sure if it's actually working or not. If he's interested, he'll try to send you a message.
2. Write your number on a sticky note.
If you don't wanna do it too subtly, you always have the option of indirectly giving him your number by writing it on a sticky note with your name on it. Now, the way you let him find it depends on how confident you are. If you're a bit shy, you can just leave it posted somewhere he will surely see. If you have that extra confidence in you, you can give it to him straightforwardly or slide it in his pocket with a flirty or candid smile.
3. Tell him you need his help on something.
One way to give him your number is by asking him to help you with an assignment or work, which is why you're giving him his number so he can contact you when you're both free. This is also a good way to get to know him more without getting into the dating phase (yet).
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Should I just give him my number, or should I wait for him to ask for it?
You have to check first what type of guy he is. If you're lucky, he's the type of guy who appreciates a woman who takes the initiative. Guys don't always like making the first move. Giving him your number may actually impress him, and if he texts or calls you back, then kudos to your initiative.
But if you feel like he's the type of guy who likes to make the first move, then you should certainly hold off giving him your number. You want to avoid giving him the wrong impression that you just give out your number to random guys. If he's that kind of guy, best to wait for him to ask your number.
Either way, you get to know if he's interested in you or not.
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I gave him my number, but he didn't give me his
The way I see it, this can mean a lot of things. After you give a guy your number, you would usually expect a guy to give his number as well because it is the most polite thing to do. But a guy doing otherwise can have his reasons.
First off, if you gave him your number but he didn't give you his, he may have thought giving you his contact details seemed redundant because he already has yours. The goal is to get in touch with you after all.
Another reason could be that he isn't the type of guy to give out his number to random people. This can be because he doesn't want random strangers texting him in the middle of the night, or maybe he doesn't want his number ending up in public bathrooms.
I gave him my number, but he hasn't texted or called me
Before jumping to any conclusions, you must consider first how long it has been since you gave him your number. If it had just been a day or two, then it wouldn't hurt to wait a little longer. He may just be busy with his life.
But if it had been ages since your last encounter, then it's safe to assume that he isn't interested at all. If this happens, it's best to just move on and not to get too bothered by it. A guy will surely text you back or call you if he's interested.
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How long do I have to wait before he texts me?
There's no definite time frame that would best answer this question. Clearly, it would depend on the person and how urgent he feels it is to get in touch with you again.
You can think of it as a job interview, and you give your calling card in hopes you'd hear from them soon. If so, maybe you ought to give it a few days to a week. He may have meant to get in touch with you as soon as he could, but he just got busy on his end.
How soon his reply is can also be a good indicator of his interest in getting to know you more. If you don't hear from him after a week or so, then consider it a dead end.
Giving a guy your number without him asking for it is totally normal, especially in how modern dating goes. A relationship may begin to stir if both persons share a mutual attraction for each other.
In our modern age of dating, there's really not much debating about who should make the first move. By now, it just depends on who has more confidence to suggest taking things further.
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