Do you have that one guy in your life who doesn't seem to be interested in anything but texting? If so, then this blog post is for you. We will explore the question of whether or not he's bored and just using you as a distraction from his boring life.
Related: How to Turn Him on Over Text in a Subtle Way
Is he bored? Why is he texting me?
The most important thing is that don't let him use you as a distraction from his boredom. He is just wasting your time.
If you are not interested in him, then don't text back.
If you are interested in him and want to see where it goes than by all means keep talking but don't let yourself fall into their trap of using you as a distraction.
Remember, that he might be just bad at texting. You can test him by asking him to do something specific, like send you a picture of his favorite food.
If he does it then maybe there is hope for this guy. Also, if he treats you well when you meet in person, then you know he's not just using your attention to feed his ego.
If he's not interested in anything but texting, then it is time to move on and find someone who will be more into you and treat you the right way.
Related: Flirty Good Morning Texts to Send to Your Guy
He only texts me when he feels like it.
The first thing you need to do is take a step back and assess the situation. Is he really into you? Or is he just keeping you around while you are available, or worse - he is bored out of his mind with nothing better going on in his life than texting you? If it's not clear that this guy likes being your friend then there might be some other reason for his behavior, like boredom- which we'll explore next!
Reasons why a guy texting out of boredom
Let's see the typical reasons why a guy might be texting you out of boredom.
- He may not have many friends and is using this as an excuse to text someone who will talk back with him- even if it's just for the short time.
- He is lonely, but doesn't look at you as a potential girlfriend. Maybe you are not his type, or he is not ready for a relationship.
- His girlfriend or wife doesn't want to talk or spend time with him, because they have a quarrel.
- He might be super bored and looking for someone who will entertain him- even if it's just through text messages!
- Some guys are just mean and want to feed their ego by texting a girl and getting her attention. Why are they like that? Because they want to feel like they have a connection with someone. Or controll over a woman.
- Finally, and this is the worst case scenario, he might just think that texting girls makes him look cool to other guys or something like it's an ego boost for them!
Examples of text messages guys send when they're bored.
- When he is asking you constantly "what are you doing" or "where are you" it's because he is bored and just wants to keep in touch with someone.
- If your guy texts a lot of questions, or if they text about the same thing over again (like what color shirt do I wear today?) then this might be an indication that their texting habits have become obsessive! If so we recommend you talk to them about it and see if they are just bored or lonely.
- He wants you, but not really - only in the way that it will make him feel good about himself and show off how cool of guy they are! If this sounds like your situation we recommend talking with him as well.
- His favorite words are "sure" and "yeah" - this is a sign that he doesn't really care about what you're saying. He is just mindlessly agreeing with you.
- Try to get him a little more invested in your conversations and asks questions about what's going on! If it doesn't work then it's time to move onto someone who will care for real instead of just pretending.
- He sends a ton of question marks when you are not answering in a few minutes or asap. There is a good chance he just wants your attention and it doesn't matter if its negative or positive, as long as he is getting the message across!
- "Hey, what are you up to?" "What's your favorite color? Mine is blue." These texts might seem innocent enough but there is a good chance your guy sending them out of boredom or loneliness.
What to reply when a guy says he is bored?
If you want to be polite then say "I'm sorry to hear that. What are you doing?"
If he is just trying his luck and doesn't care about what your answer will be then say "What's wrong with being bored? It sounds like a good time."
How do you tell if he's bored with you?
If he is not texting you back or if his texts are short and to the point then there's a good chance that your guy friend has lost interest in talking with you. When someone starts acting like this its best just move on!
What do you reply when someone says nothing much?
You can reply: “What are your plans for the day? I hope it's going well. What have been up with lately?" Now, you are testing him to see if he cares to write back a long reply. If he doesn't then it's time to move on!
How often will a guy text if he's interested?
Some guys will text you a lot if they are interested in getting to know more about you. A guy who is interested in you will text you back within a few minutes of receiving your message usually.
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