In the 21st century, it's easy to get confused when a guy calls you cute. But what does it really mean when a guy calls a girl cute? Is it a flirty compliment? Or is it a fake compliment?
Chances are he's captivated by your physical appearance too, but it's your personality that draws him to you on a deeper level.
It can also mean a lot of things depending on the type of relationship you two have. Cute can be a huge compliment for some women, while others may find it inappropriate and even offensive.
Why guys like cute girls?
- Cute girls are attractive and fun to be with.
- Cute girls are pleasant and have good values.
- Cute girls are easy to approach and are laid back.
- Cute girls don't seek any special attention from men.
- Cute girls doesn't seek any special attention from men.
- Cute girls have a cheerful vibe and don't cause any issues.
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When he calls you cute
Here are some of the things a guy can mean when he calls you cute:
1. He tries to flirt with you
Being called cute can be a playful way he flirts. It's a good ice-breaker, after all. He is trying to joke around and lighten the mood. Calling someone cute can be a way of expressing attraction and deeper feelings. If you feel attracted to him, you can flirt back to determine how the conversation goes. If you are not interested in the person, just thank him for the compliment and move on. Friends can sometimes call each other "cute" without implying anything more than a compliment, but if you feel there's more to it, it could be flirting.
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2. You have a lovely smile
The power of a smile can make a man get confused, say unimaginable things, and, above all, confess love to a girl. A beautiful smile is refreshing and makes most guys comfortable. Ideally, guys find it easy to deal with easy-going girls who smile and share their feelings. If he likes your smile and calls you cute, he really likes you. It's easy for a guy to find a lady attractive if she has a beautiful smile, laughs, or likes to smile often.
3. You are a great company
An excellent company is the basis of a happy relationship. A cute girl is lively, friendly, charming, and has a positive vibe. She has an uplifting energy that she shares with the people around her. A cute woman is appealing because of her adorable personality, which guys find irresistible. If he refers to you as cute, it indicates he enjoys your company, and you make him feel good.
4. Girlfriend material
When a guy thinks you are cute, he means you are remarkable. A cute girl is understanding, has self-control, and easy to live with. That's why when he says you are cute, he could be meaning that you are girlfriend material. He likes you, and you seem friendly and approachable. Truth is, cute women, make great girlfriends, unlike the other drama queens. It's important for a man in a relationship to have a partner who understands and forgives him when he is wrong.
5. You're not like the other girls
This guy believes your characteristics stand out from the other girls. While others are putting on heavy makeup and doing crazy antics, a man can be attracted to the simple girl in the crowd. Therefore, when he says you are cute, he thinks you are different from other girls, and he would like to be with you or get to know you better. One does not have to be a goddess to be different. Every man has some qualities he looks for in a woman. If you have these qualities, a man will change how he looks at you and how he wants to spend time with you.
Related: How to Tell a Guy He's Cute
6. You have a joyfiul attitude
Cheerful girls make people feel welcome, appreciated, and loved. When a guy meets a girl with a positive attitude, he may call her cute because she seems friendly and happy. He is confident that his friends and family will like her as well. It's lovely to see a cheerful girl at home, especially when the love is mutual. Men don't like moody girls who drag them down and spoils the fun. Cute girls are happy, and they find joy in the smallest things.
7. You are not a gold digger
Although most guys strive for sexy, hot, and dazzling girls, they cannot or don't want to afford them. When a guy compliments you on your cuteness, he might like your simplicity. A cute girl can have the best qualities while remaining humble. Although a relationship requires money to function, overspending or being extravagant can be a turn-off. Spending money wisely is a valuable trait and appreciated by men. A cute girl don't have problems with this and don't put his finances in danger.
8. The guy likes you
When a guy likes your personality and character, he can use different adjectives to compliment you. It is not easy for a man to declare his attraction at first because he will appear needy and desperate. However, if he finds a girl to be attractive and intelligent, he can use the word 'cute' to refer to how he feels. Typically, men take their time before confessing their feelings. Some can last a lifetime before claiming how they feel, especially if they have been hurt before. Therefore, to make it easier, most guys refer to beautiful women as cute in an attempt to ease their way into their lover's heart. It's a sweet compliment, right?
9. The guy is seeking your approval
Although it is not hard to tell someone you are beautiful or I love you, it is easier for some people just to say you are cute. This does not mean they are not confident. It means they are seeking your approval to determine the next course of action. If you just met a guy and he called you cute, your response can decide whether he will continue or stop. With everything that's happening today, finding a guy who likes you genuinely is challenging. Ergo, when you find a man who wants you, be understanding to avoid losing him along the way.
10. He is trying to get cuddly
Cute can mean a wide range of things depending on the interpretation. Therefore, when a guy calls you cute, he could be telling you many things ranging from getting cuddly to bringing you breakfast in bed. It is not good to judge others when they call you cute. We all have to be understanding if we are looking to create a diverse group of friends. For some people, using the word cute can refer to having sex or spending quality time together. If you are not sure about the meaning, try to get more hints to avoid misreading the situation.
11. Subtle approach
Imagine someone has fallen in love with you, but he has no idea what type of girl you are. He has to approach subtly so as not to scare you off or embarrass himself. He calls you cute to seem cool. Maybe he's been hurt lately or is recovering from a broken relationship. A subtle approach can help avoid embarrassing him or lowering his self-esteem in case he's rejected. So instead of admitting he's in love with you, he just tells you're cute. Men have poor judgment about characters, and they can quickly end up getting hurt because they don't understand or notice the signs.
How to respond when a man calls you cute
When you are called cute, instead of being rude, it is crucial to reply humanely. For instance, saying Thank You or I Know can help neutralize the situation. Appreciating the comment can help make the other person feel better, show your strength and confidence while still being thankful for the compliment.
On the other hand, to shut down an anxious or upsetting guy, you can use the 'I Know' phrase. 'I Know' will help you move on with your activities without being a target or encouraging further conversation. It can kill the attraction if that's what you are looking for.
Genuine compliments are supposed to make us feel good and appreciate the things we have. However, when misused, they can offend or make someone feel uncomfortable. Typically, it is difficult to differentiate a genuine from a fake or sarcastic comment. But, when a guy calls you cute, it is crucial to think of the possibilities first. Remember, we are all different, and we don't act or react similarly.
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What do you say when a guy calls you cute?
Based on your intentions, you can say something like these:
- You must be looking at a mirror.
- Coming from you, that means a lot to me.
- I guess that makes two of us then!
- I know, thanks.
- Thanks, I appreciate that.
Is cute really a compliment?
Yes, usually it is a compliment. While many people think that "cute" is only used as an inferior compliment for girls who don't classify as pretty or beautiful, let me be the one to tell you that's not true at all.
Why do guys call me cute, not beautiful?
Being addressed as "cute" is a wonderful compliment for a woman. "Cute" is commonly used as a synonym for a "very attractive" type of girl. Some people prefer the word "cute" to "beautiful" because it is less emotional but expresses the same idea. Cute girls are beautiful girls not just inside but outside too!
What do guys prefer, cute or hot girl?
Men like both cute women and hot women. It all depends on the man and what he's after. He'll go for sexy girls if he's looking for a hookup or a very short-term encounter. He'll go for the cute woman if he's looking for something long-term, like a serious relationship.
Does cute mean attractive?
Yes! The definition of "cute" is the following: "attractive in a pretty or endearing way". But cute is more than just being physically attractive; it also means great personality, intelligence, and positive energy.
Does cute mean sexually attractive?
The term cute usually doesn't have sexual meanings primarily, however in some cases, it has. Guys can be shy or just playing a game; therefore, they call you cute instead of sexy.
What Does Cute Mean to a Guy?
When a guy says you're cute, it means he noticed your good nature and probably thinks you are calm, composed and charming. You deal with things very well and can be depended on. Cute girls with great personality are nice, cool, and fun to be with, which makes you very appealing to him.
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