Most of the time guys DO LIKE to be called handsome. However, there are times when you can embarrass them or even make them angry with a mistimed compliment. Read on to learn how to effectively call a guy handsome effectively.
Compliments for guys in different situations
We all know that girls love getting compliments. Every guy tries to give compliments to girls because in most cases, these compliments act as icebreakers and also lead to further conversations.
But what about the other way around? Do guys like to be called handsome?
The simplest answer, of course, is "yes." But that answer is one-dimensional and doesn't take into account the many factors that are involved in complimenting guys.
Guys think a little differently than girls. And because of this basic difference, the answer changes depending on the situation.
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The Norm
The complexity in compliments for guys can be explained by the established norms. According to these norms, guys are not used to getting compliments as often as their female counterparts.
It has been proven that girls regularly compliment each other. They call each other by loving nicknames and even praise other girls' clothing styles and makeup. This helps with girls insecurities too! But the last thing you can expect in a conversation among a group of men or boys is an extremely vague impression of a compliment, if any.
This is also why guys are usually caught off guard when you try to compliment them, and most of them will just respond with a confused smile instead of being happy about the praise. The concept of giving each other compliments is so foreign to guys that most of them don't even know how to respond.
And if you are a girl who gave the compliment in the first place to start a conversation. Then this reaction from the guys may very well lead to a very awkward situation. So always keep the role of norms when complimenting the guys.
Calling a Guy Handsome to Flirt With Him
This is probably the most exciting interaction on this topic and could be the main reason you are reading this guide.
Flirting is generally synonymous with giving compliments. Guys compliment girls all the time. But when girls return their compliments, guys usually don't know how to respond rather than smile.
You can call a guy handsome if you want to flirt with him. But be careful not to call him "handsome" too often. This can be embarrassing for the guy, or he might think you're are an easy prey (in this case a brilliant counter move is to make the guy miss you).
I'm assuming you want this flirty encounter to turn into something more and meet the guy again. In that case, go easy on the compliments and just try to start a normal conversation after calling him handsome. You can even
It also depends on the guy. If he is receptive to the compliment, you can do it more often. Still, it's better to wait until some intimacy has developed when you start calling him handsome more often.
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Do guys like to be called handsome in a romantic relationship?
In this case, the answer is always YES.
If a certain level of intimacy is developed between you and your man, then complimenting him is a boost to his self-esteem.
Well-timed compliments to your guy can not only increase your intimacy, but also make him feel more attracted to you.
You see, men are not the greatest compliment receivers in the world. So once in a relationship, if you compliment him at the right times, it will only make your bond stronger.
When Should I Call a Guy Handsome In A Relationship
You can compliment your partner anytime, but we would recommend timing the compliments right. This will make your compliments more effective. One of the best possible times to call your guy handsome is after you have spent some intimate time with him.
You should look him in the eye, put your hand in his hair and call him handsome while kissing him gently. The reaction will leave you breathless.
Timing your compliments at intimate moments will increase his confidence in you. As a result, he will not be afraid to show you his vulnerabilities.
Keep one thing in mind when you reach that level of intimacy. It's easier to get there, but the real task is to maintain that intimacy in similar, well-timed compliments in the future.
If you're unable to do this, he'll be confused, which might not be good for your budding relationship. Another piece of advice: don't go overboard with the handsome compliment.
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Calling Your Little Boy Relatives Handsome
If you have little boys in your family, you can effortlessly call them handsome. I recommend that you compliment these boys around you on a regular basis. This will get them used to compliments and make them more receptive to them.
Such compliments play a very constructive and positive role in developing the personality of boys. It is especially useful for growing children and helps them to develop better acceptance of compliments and strong self-esteem.
Remember, whatever you do, do it from the heart and it will always get the response it deserves. Don't just say the word "handsome" to him. Say it like you mean it.
If the same message is reflected in your eyes, only then the compliment will be truly effective. A genuine compliment reflected in your eyes will tell him that he is in safe hands and can share anything with you.
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